Chapter Twenty Six

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~We cannot always assure the future of our friends; we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are.~

The next morning.

"Babe wake up your appointment is in half an hour." Alec says standing over me fully dressed. "What about the boys?" I say shooting up. "Jett and Cooper are with Luca and River, Theo and Eli are with My mom and Dad." Alec says smiling. "You took them already." I say getting up. Alec hands me a pair of his tracksuits I grab a vest top and I put it on, Alec hands me the matching hoodie. "I look ridiculous, I know I'm not this big." I say shocked. "It's like you grew over night babe." Alec says looking down at my stomach, I look down and I huff, he was right, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. "Oh don't cry babe, We haven't got time for crying." Alec says looking over at me, I sniff and I rub my face on the sleeve of the hoodie, I brush my teeth quickly. I actually loved the taste of the toothpaste. "Are you going to stand there all day and eat the toothpaste, we have an appointment in 15 minutes." Alec says looking at his watch. We quickly rush out the door to the car, Alec starts the engine and begins driving to Sadie's clinic.

We arrived just in time for our appointment. "Mr and Mrs Ro-" Sadie calls as soon as we walk in. "well if it isn't Alpha Alec, Right this way." The elderly woman says with a smile on her face. "Hi Sadie." Alec says hugging her. "Alec what have I told you about being careful." Sadie says sternly, Alec goes red while I giggle "Right could you pop up on the table." She says, I do as I'm told. I lift up my shirt and she squeezes the jelly on to it. "Right as you can see the babies heads are about here." She says pointing to the screen. "Babies?" Alec says shocked. "Babies?" I repeat. She nods. "Yeah, that's two alright, I'm surprised you're not bigger seeing as you are this far gone." She says shocked. "There's Baby A, and Baby B." She says pointing to the screen. "As you can see the babies do not share the same Placenta and they have different amniotic sacks. It is a high chance you are carrying Fraternal twins." She says smiling. I look over at Alec, who looks over at me. "You will be carrying them for the normal wolf pregnancy length, which is 63-65 days which is about 2 months you are about in the 4th week, which is about 28 days, you will obviously be back to do a routine check, but It will be through my receptionist, she'll call you in a couple of days. All I can say is congratulations and to take it easy." She says with a smile. Alec walks over to her kissing cheek. "See you later honey." She says with a smile on her face. "bye." I say Politely, she hugs me, hands me the ultra sound picture and then we leave.

"So when are we going to tell everyone?" Alec asks as we sit in the car. "I want The boys to know first. Then our parents and Then everyone else." I say shrugging, Alec smiles. "Fine. We'll go pick them up, I'll go in and get Jett and Cooper, we'll tell them on our way to my mom's house to pick up Theo and Eli, then we will go by your mom's and your Grandparents I presume?" Alec says. I smile at him, He starts the engine. "Twins." He says putting his hand on my stomach as he drives down the road, I sat up straight. "I find it soothing, knowing I've got another two babies growing in there." He says with a smile on his face. I smile back at him and we continue driving to Luca's. 

Alec climbs back in the car and Jett and Cooper climb in the back. "Hey mommy." Jett says smiling. I look over behind me "Jett, Mommy and Alec have some news." I begin to say. "We're going to have not one baby but two." I say with a smile on my face, Jett looks at me confused. "So the stork is going to bring two babies, why can't he just bring one. Eli's still a baby, that means we are going yo have three babies in the house." Jett says holding up his fingers. "We've been learning math." Alec says shrugging. "Four including Theo." Cooper says. "We'll get through this as a family. We'll even have time to go to disney world." Alec says winking in the mirror. The boys cheer and we begin driving to Arthur and Agnes's house.

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