Chapter 8.5 - The Letter

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'Dear Draigh,

With the upcoming fight, there is a chance that I might not get out alive, and if that happens, I didn't want your last memory of Ravi Aldine to be me shouting at you. I am sincerely sorry about that. I don't know what got into me. But now that I'm thinking about it, I've been acting like this for quite a while. I don't know when it happened or why. I guess some people just change over time.

You changed too, we both did, and I think since you're back, we've been trying to pretend like we were both still kids and that nothing happened. But I don't think it really worked, I tried to rekindle this friendship, but if I have to be perfectly honest, I don't think I can. I don't think I can be anyone's friend.

But it's fine, you know, I was okay with being alone for the past seven years, and I will be okay dying alone. It might be for the better anyway. Don't take me wrong, bringing down Tmesis would have been a fantastic thing to do but maybe I'm just not meant to do that; perhaps I'm not meant to be the hero.

Well, I hope you don't hate me now more than you did before; I just needed to get these things off my chest.

Sincerely, Ravi

PS: if I'm still alive and you somehow found this letter destroy it immediately.'

(237 Words)

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