Chapter 8 - Draigh Silas

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Riding on an Equus was a bit scary. Not only because they looked like a mixture of a horse and a bear but because of how tall they were. When they entered the stable, he could tell they were taller than earth horses, but as he saddled up, he realized how much taller they were. "Do you guys ride on these all the time?" he asked the others as he tried not to fall off again. "Pretty much, well, at least the deliverer guys and the farmers, but most common citizens do not leave town anyway and therefore don't need one," Ravi explained to him.

"Well, we don't have Equus at all in east silva. We only ride Jelen. If this is all over, we should go there sometime." Esmeralda suggested. "Jelens were the ones that look like colorful deers, right?" Draigh asked, who now felt a little more confident about riding on his Equus.

"What's a deer?"

"It's an earth thing."

"What's earth?"

Draigh looked over to Ravi. "I thought you told them?" Well, he never said that he would, but Draigh assumed that since it was pretty important information that, the people they were fighting against were aliens. "I thought you would tell them." He simply answered. "No, when would I have done that?" Esmeralda interrupted their bickering, "Hear me out; what if you just tell us now?" 

The two tried to explain that Draigh is from another Planet to the best of their abilities, "That's crazy, dude. You definitely have to tell us more about Eard when we're back in Pravda" "It's Earth, Akira, and sure I can do that but let's focus on the mission first; we should be almost there; now." Akira nodded, and they continued riding north.

After they had passed Ellbright, Irragin, Nearon, and Ozryn, the Portal was only a fifteen-minute ride away. "Are you scared?" Draigh asked Ravi, who had been riding next to him the last hour. "Scared? Why would I be scared? I'm a great fighter; I've never lost a fight in my entire life. Are you implying that that is not true?" With every word, Ravi raised his voice and his brows furrowed even more. "No? I never said that I- you know what, forget it." He urged the Equus, whom he had named Oakley, to catch up with the others.

"I don't get him" "You mean Ravi?" Z asked who he was now riding next to. "Yeah! I just asked him if he was scared, and he immediately got mad and did the whole 'are you saying I'm an idiot mi mi mi' thing even though I didn't say anything like that." Complaining to Z was probably not the best move in this situation, but he figured that if they had been friends for the past seven years, maybe they could help him deal with this situation.

"Yeah, I hate when he does that, you can not touch that man's ego without him throwing a tantrum. It isn't very pleasant. If I were you, I would let him be; he will calm down eventually." Draigh nodded and thanked them for their help. "Anyway, we should go over the plan again, just to be sure," Z suggested and stopped their Equus. "Everyone gather around," They shouted for the others.

Draigh could barely listen to what the others were saying; he could only think about Ravi. Was he actually mad at him right now? Or was he only easily irritable because of the upcoming confrontation? Draigh didn't know. Maybe it was because of his mother?  They hadn't really had time to talk about what happened since Draigh arrived, did they? Draigh felt terrible; he didn't even ask Ravi if he was okay. He really was a lousy friend, wasn't he?

A nauseous feeling overcame his body, and he thought he would puke. "Draigh? Draigh, have you even been listening to what I said?" Z then asked him, "Yea, but wait for a second; I need to say goodbye to my lunch." He ran off into the bushes, the acid coming out of his stomach brought a horrible taste with it, and he was about to puke again just because of the smell. "Shit," he cursed to himself before wiping his mouth clean and returning to the others.

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