[5] Leto reunion

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Don't ask me about how long this has sat completely finished in my drafts..

In the end Jared went by himself to see his family, as a phone call to Shannon quickly revealed that Constance still wasn't too impressed with Margot.

When you then add that Margot had started to feel a lot worse throughout the day, as if she was catching a cold, and Bella in general being fuzzy and whiny about everything, Jared decided that it would be for the best if he went on his own.

Jared felt bad to leave Margot on her own with Bella when she behaved like that, but then again there wasn't much he could do. Margot had also assured him that it would be alright, and besides, she also had her parents to help her if things became unbearable.

When Jared arrived to what actually was his home, his mother and brother were so happy to see him, and Constance seemed even more delighted when she realized that Margot wasn't with him. That was until she saw that Bella wasn't there either.

"So.. where is she?" Constance asked, looking hopefully at Jared.

"Where is who?" Jared asked, looking at both his mom and Shannon, not immediately understanding.

"My grandchild?" Constance asked, still looking at Jared with the same look.

"Oh.. she's at home" Jared said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

The disappointment amongst the two others were undeniable.

Everything in that sentence triggered Constance. Both the fact that her granddaughter wasn't there, and the fact that Jared was calling 'the witch's hut' (Margot's house) his home.

"Why didn't you bring her?" Constance asked. "I haven't seen her in a month Jared!"

"I know.. I know.. but Bella isn't having her best day today" Jared defended. "I couldn't bring her here now.. she would only be more upset than she already is"

"My god she's not even going to remember who we are by the next time we see her!" Shannon complained.

"Who's watching her now anyways?" Constance asked.

"No one ever said that you guys couldn't visit her this past month" Jared said. "And Margot is watching her"

Totally ignoring the first statement, Constance continued.

"As if she's gonna be able to solve the issue" Constance said, slightly rolling her eyes. "Bella would be better here with us right now"

"Margot is the best mother Bella ever could've asked for, and the best thing for Bella tonight is to stay at home" Jared said, putting an end to that discussion.

The conversation continued further without any more discussions or arguments, and the Letos continued their evening with a friendly tone. They were all enjoying themselves and eventually they went out for dinner.

The restaurant they picked was a classic for the three of them, and for other family members like Jared's aunts, uncles and cousins who accompanied them.
Jared had not seen this much of his extended family in a really long time, and he was enjoying the evening a lot. By the looks of it Constance and Shannon were enjoying themselves too.

Sometime towards the end of the meal, Jared got a phone call from Margot. He could see that his mom saw the caller-ID, and he could see how her face immediately dropped. He excused himself nonetheless, and walked a little bit away from the group to reduce the noise before he picked up.

"Hi lovely" Jared said, picking up. "Is everything alright?"

The slight worry in his voice made Margot laugh.

Continuation of a Jargot storyWhere stories live. Discover now