[3] Happy days

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Happy third Sunday in advent everyone <3

The next morning Jared was woken up from the sound of baby laughter followed by the giggles of a woman.

He was surprised when he opened his eyes to see his daughter and girlfriend playing together next to him.

No, he wasn't surprised about the fact that they were playing together, because Margot and Bella usually did. He was surprised about the fact that they were both up and ready for the day before him.

He smiled at his two girls who were laying beside him playing the "fly" game until Margot noticed that he was awake. Once she did, she laid Bella down on her chest and brought both of their attention to him.

"Look what we did Bella" Margot dramatically gasped. "We woke up daddy!"

Bella looked over to her dad before laughing at her mom, speaking her gibberish to her.

"Hi lovelies" Jared yawned. "You're up early"

"No we're not up early, you slept in late" Margot replied, looking at Bella. "You gonna give daddy a morning kiss?"

She lifted Bella over to Jared, who happily took her in his arms. He kissed Bella's cheek before looking over at Margot.

"Perhaps daddy will get a kiss from both of his girls?" Jared suggested.

"What do you think Bella? Does daddy deserve a kiss?" Margot asked, looking at her daughter.

Bella, who now was laying on her dad's chest, just smiled at her and gave a squealing laugh when her mom started tickling her.

"Yeah, I think he deserves one too" Margot said, before getting closer to them both and giving Jared a kiss.

"When did you get up?" Jared asked, putting his arm around her.

"Bella was wide awake by 8:30, and immediately started fuzzing and pulling at me because she was hungry" Margot said, looking at Bella. "Surely someone enjoyed sleeping next to mummy, because then mummy had no choice but to listen"

"Hmm Bella you sure are a lucky little girl" Jared said. "I sleep next to mommy every single night and if I started waking her up at 8:30 whining for her to pull her boobs out I would achieve nothing but some mean comments and a kick that would leave me on the floor"

"I give her special treatment" Margot said. "But after some breakfast she cheered up and we cuddled for a little while... we got out of bed at around 9:30 and got ready for the day and since then we've been playing"

"You've really had some quality time with mommy, haven't you?" Jared asked Bella, who just giggled at the attention. "What's the time now?"

"Around noon, I'd imagine" Margot said. "And just in time for diaper change number two daddy"

"Lucky me" Jared said.

He never minded changing diapers. Any time spent with his daughter was time well spent, and babies needed their diapers changed. That's just how it was.

He was just about to get up from bed when Margot stopped him.

"Wanna go out with me today?" She asked.

"Go out with you?" Jared asked, not understanding what she meant.

"Yes, go out.. do something" Margot said. "Spend some time together"

"For sure honey" Jared smiled at her. "But may I ask why?"

"Because I'm bored.. ever since I got pregnant we've done literally nothing but staying in this house" she said. "Besides, mum and dad really wants to watch her, they told me earlier when we were downstairs"

Continuation of a Jargot storyWhere stories live. Discover now