Journey Back

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Both Vi and Caitlyn entered the new council building and met up with Jayce who was sitting on a throne, with him was Ambessa Medarda who was having an argument with him over his decision. "I don't fucking believe this! Jinx just bombed the council and killed all the other council members inside including my daughter Mel! And yet you don't decide to go to war with the undercity for their crimes?!!" But then Jayce replied "I understand your concern and I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter, but the last thing she would have wanted was for me to start a war over her death. Besides, the undercity had nothing to do with this. It was only Jinx, she was responsible for this crime, but don't worry, I've already got two people who will hunt her down. One of them is actually a resident from the undercity. Ah, here they are now." They both looked to see Caitlyn and Vi show up. When Medarda saw them she shouted "Seriously? A resident from the undercity?! Why are you suddenly putting so much trust in this girl?" And Jayce replied "She's Jinx's sister, and knows more about her than we do, and besides, she has shown me the truth about the undercity, which is why I cannot go to war with them, they deserve independence." Frustrated, Medarda left the room. Jayce looked at Vi and said "Forgive her, she comes from a place where war runs strong." Then Vi said "You actually want me to hunt for Jinx? I'm surprised you're actually allowing someone like me from the undercity to do this." Jayce smiled and said "Like it or not, you're one of us now." Vi then said "Well, I'm not to sure about that but ok." Then Caitlyn asked "Sir, we won't be able to hunt down Jinx alone, she's a deadly assassin and will kill everyone she sees as a threat." Then Jayce replied "Then would you like some enforcers to go along with you?" But then Caitlyn replied "Actually, there's a couple of people that me and Vi met during our time in the undercity, they're called the firelights. They live free of Silco's rule over Zaun, and I'm hoping they still do if Jinx has taken over the city now that Silco is dead, which I'm sure she has. We can ask them to help us apprehend Jinx. We can free the people of the undercity, and end this once and for all." Then Jayce nodded his head and said "Good, carry on then. Caitlyn and Vi were about to leave before Jayce said "Wait, can I speak to you for a moment Vi?" Vi stayed in the room as Jayce walked over to her and said "I hope you're up to the task. This is your sister you're dealing with after all, and I know you probably don't want to have to arrest your own sister. So, are you sure you can do this?" Vi was silent and said "Honestly Jayce, I really don't know. I only wanted to help her and have Powder back. But, after seeing what she just did to the capital, I don't know if she can be saved anymore, but I still hope there is some way to save her, but how can I now? You want me to arrest her." Jayce sighed and said "I'm really sorry. But someone has to pay for these crimes." And Vi looked down and said "I know...." And then she left the room. She met up with Caitlyn outside and said "Alright cupcake, I suggest we'd better get moving now." Later, Vi grabbed her gauntlets and put gemstones inside them, Caitlyn grabbed herself a rifle. She said her goodbyes to her father and left with Vi. They went to the bridge to the undercity, but then there were several enforcers blocking their way, one of them said "It's not safe to cross this bridge, look." And they looked to the other side to see that people had set tons of land mines on the other side, preventing anyone from entering, and what's worse is that there was spray painting on the floor in front of them saying "Boom!" Vi made a worried face and said "Looks like my sister has already begun to rally people to her cause. She's trying to start a war with the people of Piltover. We have to stop her before she can." And then Caitlyn asked "How are we supposed to get past that blockade of land mines and enter the city?" But then Vi replied "Oh don't worry, I know plenty of other ways into the undercity, just follow me. She and Caitlyn walked away. Vi brought her to a small vent in an alley and said "This way." Caitlyn gulped and slid down the vent, then Vi followed her, they both fell into a pile of trash. "Eww gross! What kind of entrance is this?" Vi only laughed before saying "Come on, it's not much further." They made their way out into some city streets and then, they arrived at an elevator that brought them down to the undercity. "Here we are." Said Vi. They got off the elevator and looked around, the undercity looked even worse than it did when Silco was around. "Holy shit, something tells me your sister has really done a number on this place now that she's taking over everything down here." And then Vi said "I never thought she would even try to rule over this place. It might have been what Silco wanted but still." There were tons of poor people in the streets, there were also a lot of people getting into fights for some reason, cash was very low, and most importantly, everyone was using the shimmers still to enhance their strength. Caitlyn and Vi pulled up their hoods so they wouldn't be spotted. Then Vi said "Follow my lead. Just don't draw attention to yourself, this city is most likely way more dangerous now that Jinx is in charge, she probably put a price on us that'll go to those who catch us." Then Caitlyn said "Bet she doesn't even have that money, she literally just became ruler of this place." As the two of them walked through the undercity, someone was watching them, Sevika, she watched them walk into an alley, she smiled evilly and walked away, she arrived in the large chamber room where Jinx was sitting in, she had changed the entire throne room to match her taste, there were creepy spray paintings all over the walls, floor, and even ceiling. She even customized her chair and wrote the name Jinx on it. She was listening to music on her radio until she saw Caitlyn come in. She turned off the music and said "You better have a damn good reason to come in here and interrupt me like that!" Then Sevika said to her "Jinx, your sister is here, and she arrived the exact way you said she would." Jinx was silent before saying "Is her stupid girlfriend from Piltover with her?" Then Sevika nodded her head. Jinx smiled sinisterly and replied "This is just perfect, they're clearly here to arrest me, but little do they know, we've been waiting for them. Keep your eye on them, but do not attack them, they're all mine to torture." Sevika nodded her head and left the room. Jinx got out of her chair and then, she looked at the dead body of Silco which she had set up on display recently, sitting there on a couch, she sat next to it and looked into his dead cold face and said "Silco... I will make you proud, this city is mine and it's people are mine!" She then laughed hysterically while putting her hands onto her forehead. Her pink eyes glowing bright.
(Not my art)

(To be continued

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(To be continued...)

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