Anxiously Awaiting

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The din of student and teacher fell away to Roman's ears. 

This time he had left the safety of Logan's withering glare and glacial calculation to nab a seat where he could cross over to the Badgers table if the need demanded. 

It did not. 

Just shy of Headmistress McGonagall he should have guessed Virgil would risk something so bold. 

But to not give him a glance at all no matter how or what he signalled. 

Roman, all alone, decided to simply wait out dessert for the night to end already. 

The Hufflepuffs always stood first considering their trek all the way to the basement. 

From what little Logan had confided of last Christmas it was warmest down there due to its proximity with the kitchens. 

Roman could only add as such to his amateur map. 

What better place to set some of his more muted stories. As he so eloquently wished to portray, even the mundane could prove to be as if not more impactful and bliss as a sea faring epic or spy thriller. 

It also stood the furthest from the opposing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers and nicely above the Slytherin owned dungeons. 

Away from stronger, bolder personalities. 

A true respite he had heard and if the sometimes muddled look in Virgil's eye in the morning was any indication he spent ample time there when not practicing jinxes on the sly. 

To see such a proficient wand flash in offensive magic. 

A grin split the usually apathetic demeanor. 

What would it be like? To declare... 



His neck pricked. 

Had some Ravenclaw been giving him the eye? 

Probably not. 

However he could now see, some of the few elder girls at his own table were. As well as some just a Year above. 


Patton stretched out stuffed as a potluck crowd in the church basement. 

"I have gotta share all the photos we took at the Cup," Talyn bragged. "It was so epic. Hey tell the old guy thanks for inviting us."

"That old guy was my Father," Cayden complained however clearly nonplussed. 

Turns out the female Prefect was focused on other things beside the First Years behind her too. 

"Umm password, password?"

"Limburt this year. Or month or whatever."

"Right. Good job," she chirped with a pat to his head. 

Immediately Patton joined the influx of students to claim some good fireside seats. 

And only with minimal prodding and buts. Also butts. 

Only to quickly spot out Joan in the corner. 

Hair cut to a bottom shave with a top of swept hair and a wickedly green pleather jacket hiding what had to be lost weight. 

"Hey come join us!" 

Joan flinched and Patton shot up. 

For some reason impetuous, cantankerous Joan Fortesque was content to be waiting in the wings. Like some second fiddle girl boss or something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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