Me suicidal? HECK NAH!

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I woke up in the bed and thankfully I was no longer badnaged up or anything. It honestly tikked me off soo wrongly. The pure thought of it happening again was putting me into a shock state. Now that I was finally fine and alone, I started looking around the room.

It doesn't look that shabby....

I wonder if I should do something...

Should I try escape?

What about the window?

With that in thoughts, I went to the windows and saw that I was on the first floor of this house. It seemed as if I had a room for myself but the way it was arrange somehow told me that I would be staying here longer which I hated soo much.

I could still jump!

I mean it's not that bad and the only thing I would probably break would be either arms or legs...

I would get away from them...

So that's a plus at least.

Should I do it tho?

As I was debating with myself what I should do, I didn't hear the door open or that someone was there until the voice that snapped me out of my own thoughts was way too close for comfort.

Aizawa: *sigh* Don't do it kid.

Me: ( I wasn't! Do you really think I am that stupid to die here?! Why the hell should I?) I was just looking around tho. I didn't wanted to off myself here.

Aizawa: Oh really?

Me: (Yeah... Duhhh.. I want to escape and not die idiot!) Yes Aizawa-sensei!

Aizawa: You don't have to call me sensei.

When did I ever... OH!

I hate my goddamn quirk!

Why do I have to have something as stupid as this quirk.

Damn it!

I was still at the window but the more I thuoght about my wuirk the more frustrated I got and then bit my lip until it started bleeding. It was that moment that the hobo also touched my shoulder to get me back to reality but I jumped away from him the moment I saw him do that.

Me: (Don't touch me!) Can you not touch me please.

Aizawa: Sure problem child.

The fuck is up with problem child?!

I am not such a problem at all!

Why the hell you call me that way...

Eventho I wanted to say something I knew I should shut up for the better. The thing was, I knew that no matter what I said it was no use. To top that off, I knew sign language but no one knows to read what I am signing. Normal people don't know that after all.

Aizawa: How about you get down and eat something kid? Zashi is waiting there for you too.

Me: (Is that fucking witch Christian Yamada his dumb sister?) Does he have a sister called Christian Yamada?

Aizawa: Are you her son?

Me: (Hell no! That woman is a bitch!) No.

Aizawa: I see.

That was all he said but never answered my question. Instead he made some movements and signs for me to follow him downstairs which I did. There I found the whole family at the table. He told me to come down for food but there was no food but the family there. Oh boy this could be a great start to a drama. 

Yamada: Izuku... I am sorry for what my sister did to you.

Me: ...

I had nothing to say but to curse him in my own mind. There was after all no way that what I would say would actually come to him and I learned enough from my mistake not to speak out again. It was honestly annoying to talk anyways. 

Aizawa: I'll heat up the left overs.

I could tell that they already ate but still it was a nice thing they offered me food. In the orphanage we didn't get food at all. Well the others do but for me it was a strict diet and that included just breakfast and maybe a snack in the evening. That was the main thing why I was this thin.

It wasn't that I didn't loved food or appreciated it but I couldn't trust the food they gave us. I hated it soo much that I only ate whenever I knew that it was safe or I was starving and that said a lot.

Me: (No thanks. Who knows what you put in it!) Yes thank you.

Sometimes I really wished I would hear what they would understand because I still got food in front of me even tho I said no. My quirk was a curse to me and that was no other saying for this. Why did I even had to suffer this much? Did I sinned in my past life or something? This isn't normal at all.

The moment I got the food in front of me, I looked at it and then looked at the people they all expected me to eat it and there was no way of getting out of this. Now you might call me rude and a bitch but I still had somewhat manners and I wouldn't turn down some food for nothing. It looked good and I was hungry so there was nothing I could do but give into my hunger and try it out.

Me: (This is really good!) Thank you for the food.

A/N: Plan of the house. Bed 1 is the beedroom of Aizawa and Mic. Bed 4 is Izuku's and Bed 2 Eri*s as well as Bed 3 Hitoshi's room.

 Bed 4 is Izuku's and Bed 2 Eri*s as well as Bed 3 Hitoshi's room

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