Chapter 4

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I never much liked eating, I was insecure about my weight. I would sit there and pick at my food. Nobody ever noticed, my father merely thought I was attempting to be lady like. So, at the banquet, where Jane Seymour was flaunting her barely visible belly, I sat and picked at my food, fiddling with my new necklace and avoiding the glares of the King and lady Rochford.
"Why are you not eating properly?" Charles demanded. He turned my chin so I was looking into his eyes.
"I am eating, Charles." I told him.
"I've been watching you, Lia. You've been picking at your food since it was served. Why?" He asked.
"None of your business." I snarled.
"You are my wife, you are completely my business." He responded. "I want to see that you've eaten everything, understand? You're too thin as it is."
"I'm not eating everything." I flatly told him.
"Excuse me?" He asked dangerously. His hand travelled under my skirts and began to stroke my upper thigh, getting closer to my cunny.
"No please." I said desperately. "I'll eat it." He removed his hand and smirked at me.
"Good girl." He jeered. I ate all my food, swallowing it down reluctantly, aware of Charles' eyes upon me. Once I'd finished, he held his hand out to me.
"We're dancing." He told me aggressively. To my surprise, he was a skilled dancer as was I, so we were by far the most graceful couple dancing. Once the banquet was over, Charles and I walked back to our rooms. I stripped down to my shift, and then I curled up on the floor and heard the sounds of Charles getting changed. I felt hands turning me over and spreading my legs open then that unfamiliar twist of pain as Charles thrusted into me over and over until he had came and was fully satisfied. Then he turned me over again, pulled my shift down, and bent down.
"Goodnight, sweetheart." He whispered maliciously. "Sleep well." Then he got into his bed, chuckling and settled down for sleep. I lay there, violated and cold. I eventually fell asleep.
Charles POV
I woke up in the night and sat up, feeling for Lia, who after only one night in my bed, I had already gotten used to her warmth. I remembered that she was on the floor as a punishment. I crept out of bed and knelt down beside her. I saw that she had dried tears on her face and was curled up, hugging herself. I thought about her reluctance to eat and decided to check how much she was really eating. I lifted up her shift and saw that her ribs were sticking out and although her figure was still womanly, she was extremely skinny.
"Oh darling, what have you done to yourself?" I whispered, stroking her hair. I pulled down her shift and kissed her forehead. I vowed to make sure she ate full meals from now on. I remembered hitting her earlier. She needed to be beaten, because although it was my responsibility to look after her, I also had to control her, stop her being so wilful and wild. The only way to do that was through discipline, like beatings. I remembered her when she first came to court, as an 8 year old. She was wild and charged about everywhere, hitching up her skirts. She was often found alone, as her father had business to attend to and left her to her own devices.Breaking me out of my thoughts,Lia started to twist and turn and I realised she was having another bad dream. I softened slightly, picked her up and placed her in our bed, tucking her in and then slipping into bed next to her, pulling her close.
Cecilia POV
I woke up expecting to be on the cold floor but found myself to be tucked up in bed.
"I moved you in the middle of the night because you were having a bad dream." Charles informed me.
"Thank you." I said warmly. I really didn't understand him. He would beat me, and be cruel but then have random mood changes and be tender and gentle.
"The King wishes to see us both in half an hour, darling. Go dress. I want you to look presentable. Actually.. I don't trust you. I'll go pick it out."
Charles came out with a light green dress.
"Wear this. And wear your B pendant please." He ordered. I put the dress on and clipped the B pendant on. I brushed my hair out so it was spread in curls across my shoulders.
"Pretty as a picture, girl." He told me. I smiled slightly.
"Why does the King want to see us?" I asked.
"I do not know, sweetheart. But you will mind your manners whilst we are there. Only speak when spoken to. And if he asks a question, I will answer it. You are to keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut. I don't particularly want you to be executed as you're quite a nice little bed warmer." He told me cruelly.
"I am not a bed warmer." I snipped. Charles rolled his eyes before pushing the Kings study door open. I curtsied deeply, as Charles closed the door and bowed.
"Charles, Cecilia." The King acknowledged. Jane Seymour sat next to him, smugly holding her belly. I glared at her.
"Cecilia and Charles, I wish to discuss Cecilia's behaviour towards the queen." He said gravely. "On afterthought, perhaps it is better if this conversation is just between me and Charles."
"Cecilia, go to our rooms and do not come back until a messenger comes with my orders to come back." Charles commanded and I opened my mouth to protest, but seeing the fury in his eyes, merely curtsied to the King and Charles and walked out of the room.
Charles POV
"Three days, I have been married to her, and twice I have been called in to discuss her behaviour." I said sorrowfully.
"Indeed. Apparently to The Queen, Cecilia shows constant disrespect towards her and has more than once insulted her and her family. Obviously, this is not acceptable."
"I completely agree, Henry. I will have stern words with her."
"Thank you, Charles." I bowed and then walked out of the room.
Cecilia POV
That night, I lay in bed, bruised and bloodied, begging Charles to stop thrusting but in his blind fury, he wouldn't stop. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was: "Lia, you're mine."
MarjorieTrevejo KRgirl1
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