shhh sweet darling - Natasha Romanoff

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nats pov 

it was late at night and me and y/n dont really get along at all she joined the team about 2 weeks ago and everyone loves her but i feel like she is hiding something she is always way to happy for a normal human being. i went through her file and there was nothing in there to explain her strange behaviour. this confused me a lot until i was up late last night and her little sobs coming from y/n's room i was curious so i went and stood behind the other side of her door. she was sobbing i felt this feeling in me like a mother instinct to go in there and cuddle her telling her it was okay and stroking her hair, i shook my head and listened. after 45 mins of me standing outside her door listening to her sobs i couldn't fight the feeling anymore so i went in there and pulled her onto my lap and her head close to my chest cradling her like a mother would. (y/n was younger by nat by 15 years so the feeling made sense).  

i cradled her and rocked her gently whispering sweet nothings into her ear to help her calm down i was trying to find a sentence that would calm her down so she wasnt sobbing then it came to me, i stroked her hair and whispered "shhh sweet darling" she calmed down and cuddled into me. 

i laid her down cuddled up to me and stroked her hair she mumbled something i wasnt sure what she said so i asked her to talk louder so she mumbled "nun night mama nat" this made my heart melt and before i got to say good night to her there was quiet snores coming from the little girl that was cuddled up to me, i smiled and went to sleep keeping the girl in my arms. 

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