sick - scarlett Johansson

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scarlett's pov

it was coming up to noon and y/n still isn't up I walked to her room to see her as pale as her white walls this is very unusual for her, I checked her temperature she had a fever and her lips seemed dry so I filled a glass with water and waited for y/n to get up. about an hour later she woke up and looked weak and pale. I hushed her back up to bed and laid with her I put a film on and played with her hair while she watched the film I gave her some medicine hopefully it takes her temperature down.

id been keeping an eye on y/n since she woke up her temperature has gone down a lot which is great, she is drinking water to stay hydrated I just gotta get her to eat something im thinking soup maybe its easy on the throat. she was asleep so I snuck out her room and went and cooked soup in the kitchen, I carried it to her room.

she was sat up in her bed I sat next to her "open baby" she opened her mouth and drank the soup from the spoon she was making progress this is great!. once we got 3 quarters of a bowl of soup in her we settled down watched films and slept right though the night.

I woke up to see y/n not in her room she walked in the room 10 minutes later looking her normal self I did I great job and Im happy to have my little girl back.

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