Colin - Scarlett Johansson

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Scarlett's pov

I broke up with my husband about 5 months ago and I've moved on from him and have found someone new called Colin I love him to bits but y/n doesn't seem to like him very much maybe she is scared of me being hurt again like my ex husband did to me and she is protective over me big time. y/n is my only child and I'm happy about it but I just want her to get along with my new boyfriend Colin. me and Colin drove over to my place and y/n was still probably asleep as she loves to sleep in well i dont know how she is going to take today as Colin Is moving in and she dislikes Colin a lot.

we got home and Colin moved his stuff up to my room and started to unpack while I went upstairs to get y/n up I knew she wasn't wanna get up but she has to its 11 in the afternoon and she has online schooling to do. I opened her bedroom door to see her laying in her bed peacefully sleeping I hate to wake her up in the mornings but it has to be done. I walked up to y/n and shook her gently her only response to this was a loud groan and she rolled over, "baby come on its time to get up its past 11 and you have schooling to do" she got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower.

I walked downstairs in the kitchen and started to make lunch for the 3 of us I shouted up to Colin "babe do you wanna go let y/n know her breakfast is done and your lunch is done too!" "yeah be right there!" I just smiled and waited at the kitchen table for them to come down stairs when I heard y/n shout at Colin so I sat downstairs and listened.


"I'm sorry I didn't know you was getting dressed I thought you was already dressed"


shortly after that Colin was in the kitchen I just told him to knock before he goes in he nodded and didn't say a word when y/n came downstairs. she sat down and ate before starting her schooling in the kitchen at the table. me and Colin was making small talk when we both noticed y/n was starting to stress out so Colin went over and helped her surprisingly she took the help and thanked him afterwards.

Colin had spent the day doing up y/ns room as she gave me pictures of what she wanted her room to look like and Colin said he'd gladly do it for her. Colin had just finished and y/n had finished her school work she walked upstairs to where me and Colin was and gasped then hugged Colin "omg thank you so much Colin your the best" the pair of us couldn't believe it and walked in her room loving her new bedroom.

ever since that day she has been great with Colin and started calling him dad 2 weeks later

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