bullied - Natasha Romanoff

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I've been bullied for about 2 years now and I've never told my mum about it as I dont really bother as she is always busy which is annoying as she is to fixed on her relationship with Steve then me. dont get me wrong he treats mum really nice but he dont ever talk to me or acknowledge me which he should as I'm his girlfriends partner.

today was another day of going to school doing really well in my lessons and being bullied on my breaks I'm used to it by now I think Wanda knows as her eyes go red when I'm in the room which means shes going through my mind and I dont mind that. I got dressed in a black hoodie and black leggings as I knew I was gonna end up with bruises so wearing a jumper and leggings is easier to hide them, I walked downstairs in my outfit and everyone's head turned towards me but Steve's.

"baby are you sure your not gonna get to hot in that in school" mum asked me and I simply replied with "the schools heaters are broken so it gets cold in the school" "well they should really get that fixed have a nice day at school sweetie" "thanks mum" I said nothing else and just walked out the door. once I got to school I took a deep breath and just walked through the gates.

as soon as I got to my locker and got my books out my locker door slammed shut. "oi slut what do you think your doing" "well I'm getting my books for class what does it look like" "how does it feel to be black widows daughter and her boyfriend ignore you" "its fine I suppose as long as mum is happy" "you deserve to be ignored your nothing but a useless and worthless disgusting little slut" I started walking to my first 2 classes and it was break now so I was expected a beating.

I was peacefully walking the halls of the school to the canteen when the girls started calling my name I just walked faster got my food on my tray and sat down before I could even start tucking in the girls opened my juice poured it all over me then chucked my food and stamped on it all over the floor. I was fuming so I picked up my tray smacked it round one of the girls faces knocking her to the floor the other girl went to punch me so I grabbed her wrist flipped her over causing her to groan in pain. the 3rd girl walked up to me and pulled my hair like a bitch fights so I simply done the famous crotch throat grab and took her down to the floor.

I picked my bag up and stormed out of the school grounds and walked all the way home, I got home and slammed the door threw my bag on the floor walked into the living room sat down in the couch in a pissed off mood and everyone just looked at me so I spoke up. "stop fucking looking at me I've had a bad day at school!" they all just looked away and under Steve's breath he said "attention seeking" I stood up from my seat picked Steve up by his shirt pinned him against the wall and told him " look here you I've had about enough of your bullshit you never acknowledge me you treat my mum like a princess but treat me like shit I'm fed up of it no one knows whats happening at school only Wanda and that's because she takes time out if her day to check up on me and NONE OF YOU CUNTS DO!"

after that I let Steve go stormed to my room and locked my door sobbing, Wanda knew I wouldn't tell anyone so she sat downstairs and explained it to them my mum couldn't believe it and Steve just said I'm probably lying and my mum broke up with him. after it had been about 2 hours of sobbing in my room I was practically falling asleep when mum picked the lock on my door came behind me and cuddled me close to her.

I laid my head on her chest and cried till I fell asleep, I wasn't fully asleep when mum said "dont worry sweetheart mama made everything better you wont go to a people school you'll be home schooled and I'm not with Steve anymore I left him and so my little girl will have all my spare time" I smiled lightly before drifting off to sleep finally feeling happy I got my mum back.

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