Chapter Ten: Interrogation

Start from the beginning

Ozpin: "Fine. I think I know what can make you talk. And you won't like it. I have enough of you spitting insults." 

Y/n: "I like to see you try." 

With another smile Ozpin drop him. He motions Glynda to leave the room so he can think on what to do next. Y/n remain there by himself and look towards the window. That is when the door opens once more to reveal none other than Raven Branwen. 

His muscles tighten and he was frozen out of fear. She put sway in her hips and as walk in and close the door behind her. She smirks as she walks over and place a hand on his shoulder. 

Raven: "It has been a long time since I last saw you." 

He remains silent as she walks around him and snake her hand downwards. 

Raven: "Come on now. Do you not remember the things we did together?" 

Her smile grew as she felt the edge of his belt. Her other hand began to feel his body. Well tone and built just right. He grew up better than she expected. 

Raven: "I will stop if you answer my few questions, understand?" 

Y/n: *shaking* "Yes." 

Raven: "Yes what?"

Y/n: *shaking* "Yes ma'am." 

Raven: "No, what you always say when we were alone together."

Y/n: *Shaking* "Yes ........ mommy Rave." 

Raven: "Good boy. Now ........."

Y/n: *Shaking* "I need an adult." 

Raven: "I am an adult. One to take good care of you." 

Raven let go and sat across of him. They then spent the next two hours together in that room, the two speaking with one another, and Ozpin hearing the whole thing. Summer can only get teary when he recounts his time with Bella. Sienna. And what he did as the Ghost Lord. 

Quill and Winter both remain by her side to cheer her up, but for Y/n? 

He was back to his old state. Obedient to a fault and did what she said. Some way, deep down, he obeys to her commands. And some thoughts ran through his head.

Why? Why did he not resist? Could he still resist her? Or did some twisted spells bore deep into his mind, forcing him to obey? Or perhaps that his mind didn't actually fought that particular part of his past yet? Whatever the reason is, he can't disobey.

Raven soon left the room as Y/n was left alone. Ozpin turns to the others. Winter had step out to make a phone call. 

Ozpin: "I should have you arrested Summer. Quill. Raven and Tai included. But I only have the words of an unstable man. Qrow have no idea that he existed, so he can be forgiven."

Summer: "Ozpin. I can explain!" 

Ozpin: "I don't want to hear it! Sadly enough, Raven here seems to be the one to control him to a point. The Ghost Lord is subdued for now. And that is all that matter. For now. Consider yourself lucky for now." 

The two sighs in relief before Raven walk in the room. Ozpin shift his gaze over to her, which cause her to jump a bit. 

Ozpin: "Be lucky that I am not pressing charges miss Branwen. Child Sexual Assault. But the war is over now. Consider yourself lucky too Raven." 

He walks out of the room as Glynda walk up to him. The two walk over to see Ruby Rose as the three women stay in the room. 

Raven: "Wow, what did I miss?" 

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