Back to the 2nd generation of Malikson-
F: we should head back before they send out a search party for us.
Kh: yea

At the Tomlinson House
Josh and the 1D band
J: well that was unexpected
Jn: wow he went through all that and is still going strong
DR: maybe not
Sy: what do you mean
DR: His anxiety is still a thing
J: yea totally forgot about that

Paul and Preston
Pa: that went well
Pr: yea
Pa guess they're mature like Louis said in that interview.
Pr: maybe it was time they needed...

Lou Lux Little Mix Cami and Ed
LOU: the kids did well
Lx: speaking of the kids where are they?
Cami: I saw them leave awhile ago
Ed: where did they go
D: well Khai said she needed to get something for later tonight.
Lx: where are the rest?
D: don't know
As on cue the crew walks in
E: where have you guys been?
F: gives her and Louis the "look"
L: oh...
B: don't know ask Khai
Khai walks in with a couple of bags in her hands
Kh: ask me what
Z: why did you go visit Jay and Fizzy
Everybody expect Louis Lottie the Malik sisters and Mama/Papa Malik: What?
Kh: well to tell them you and Uncle Louis made up.
Li: how did you know where they were buried
Kh: Aunt Lottie took me once.
Niall and Harmony's stomachs growls...
H: guess that's our cue to eat
Everyone laughs
Payne sisters Gemma and Greg
Na: is it weird that the Tomlinson siblings and Malik sisters seem to know everything and we're left out of the loop?
Ga: yea or maybe the Malik sisters found out because their Khai's aunts.
G: that could be a reason
R: but that doesn't explain how Tommo's siblings know everything
Na: sister how oblivious can you be
R: huh
G: Freddie could have told his aunts and uncle everything
R: oh that explains it
Ga: the moms don't seem phased about their kids knowing each other
Na: it would be the boys who I would have been worried about
R: but they seem calm
Ga: guessing they can see their friendship in the kids' friendship.
G: is it just me or do you all see how Freddie and Khai act around each other?
Na: now that you mentioned it it seems like they have some sort of telepathy thing going on between them. They can sense when the other is feeling off or finishing each other sentences...
R: yea that can't just be coincidences...
Ga: maybe history is repeating itself...
G: It's Zouis 2.0
Na: yah the new and improved.

The grandparents
Karen: guess we can call the kids plan a success
Mark: yea
Anne:well Louis was calm I was expecting for him to yell and kick Zayn out
Yaser: maybe he would have if everyone wasn't here.
Trisha did you know that they invited them as in the band and 2 bodyguards?
Dan: No that was a surprise
Anne it surprise me that they had included LOU and Lux...
Geoff: well Little Mix Ed Sheren and Camila Cabaeo are here to. I suppose they wanted to have those who were closest with the boys to be witnesses of their reunion
Trisha: I agree.

The Malik sisters and Tomlinson Siblings
Sa: so Lottie why did you take Khai out to Fizzy and Jay's burial sites?
Le: well I want her to "meet her nana Jay and Aunt Fizzy. I had to give her a letter that Fizzy wrote...
W: what was in the letter
Le: don't know
Da you aren't curious on what fizz would say to Khai?
Kh: she asked me to look after Freddie and find a way to get Uncle Louis and my dad together again...
D: don't do that Khai. You gave me a heart attack
P: you and Freddie have always cared for one another more than the other three...
Kh: yea
Dos: you and Serenity also seem pretty close
En: it looks Zouis and Zarry are be recreated
D: sure looks like it
Na: what?
D: the new and improved versions of Zouis Talik and Zarry Stylik
Kh: whatever lates
R: what with her
En: don't know
G: any new developments
Da well it looks like Serenity and Khai are the exact replicas of their fathers the look for each other when they need to talk about serious things...
Le: it is the same Freddie and Khai they both have that sense when the other isn't feeling right just like Zayn. They get the glint in their eyes when they pull pranks. Like father like son/daughter.
Ga: khai seems a bit sassy
Dos: better keep her away from Louis then ...
D: one sass masta is more than enough but it is inevitable, once Louis finds out he would just take her under his wing...

The band
Kh: Hey Uncle Josh, uncle Dan, uncle Jon and Uncle Sandy
J: hey princess
Jn: what's up precious
Sy: how ya doing love
DR: how's it going gorgeous
Kh: I am great. So how did you enjoy watching the reunion?
DR it was great to see them coming back together again
Jn: it's been a long time coming
Sy: you and the others done well
J: well Louis reaction was unexpected.
Kh his reaction was appropriate for the audience... it would have been totally different if it was just us and our parents...
Jn that's true

Later after dinner
Kh: want us to do this for a while. Please grab a piece of paper and down something you want to let go of or forget... tie it to the bottom of the lantern and let the lantern go.
Everyone does as instructed and watched as the flock of lanterns float away and disappear. Louis walks up and hugs Khai. Zayn does the same with Freddie. While Harry Niall and Liam hugs each other's kids..
The boys say in unison, "Thank you for doing this."
The kids No problem uncle Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Harry ...
The end...
Nooo not really

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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