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Peter had never been more excited in his life. He was practically vibrating with the stuff. He was so excited time was doing that thing of going insanely fast, while simultaneously crawling along and holding him hostage in each passing minute.

What If he was late to the internship? Maybe the subways flooded and he'll have to somehow get there? Maybe he'll get lost somehow? Maybe he get there but they'll hate him cause he's a kid. Maybe he'll get there and then the ceiling caves in and it's somehow his fault!

He was spiraling, constantly flicking between excited ecstasy and full blown dread, and it was only lunch.

"Earth to Peter?? Helllooo?" Said MJ waving a fry in front of his face. She'd learnt a long time ago that food always drew Peter's attention. He used to eat loads but had been skipping lunch a fair bit for the last couple weeks so she'd taken it on herself to buy him food today, before he could slip away to wherever he disappeared some lunchtimes. Peter needed all his energy for his first day.

"Sorry MJ, i was just-"

"Slipping into the void of anxiety fueled chaotic thought?" Suggested MJ with a knowing look.

"Uh... Yeah" admitted Peter with a sheepish smile.

"You have no reason to worry!" Said Ned. "Your going to crush it! I have like all my faith in you!"

"Thanks bro" smiled Peter happily reaching for the fry MJ was still waving about. He let her buy this time because he knew now he could pay her back. "But what if it goes horribly?"

"Then it goes horribly and it will probs suck and be embarrassing for you and you'll come home and feel shit about yourself a-" stated MJ casually with a shrug.

"Gee thanks"

"-And then you'll go to sleep and wake up the next day and the world carries on" finished MJ with a slight glare. As if she was threatening Peter with her nihilistic positivity.

"What I'm trying to say is if it goes bad.. and I don't think it will, then it doesn't really matter cause it's just one bad moment... you'll have plenty of time to make more better ones".

Both the boys blinked at her for a second before the smallest of smile broke out on Peter's face.

"Wow that was actually somewhat comforting, MJ".

"Yeah I thought you were a robot with no emotions" added Ned with a perplexed frown.

"You guys don't need to be surprised?! And I'm not a robot dofus, I have a heart" said MJ, fake annoyed.

"Of course you have a heart" replied Ned playing along, though he didn't at all sound convinced.

"We just didn't think it beat" finished Peter, joining in, joking with his mates earnestly for the first time since moving to McCarey's.

"Oh shut up!" Said MJ, but she to joined in on the laughter, even though it was at her expense. "You're gonna smash it Peter, and I wanna hear all about it as soon as you're done with you're shift!".

"Yeah!" agreed Ned with an excited nod. "Group call tonight?"

"I finish at 6-" began Peter.

"So call at 8. Perfect" interrupted MJ with a cheaky smile reserved only for them, "I'm looking forward to it".


Lunch ended far to quickly in Peter's opinion. In fact his whole day seemed to fly by in a swarm of anxious excitement. Before long he'd finished his AP chemistry class, a class that normally had his complete attention but he was far too distracted today.

Hopeless || A  P. Parker destruction story ✨Irondad✨Where stories live. Discover now