Chapter 40: Always

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Edward was going to stay with Bella that night. 

"Alice, drop me off here will you?" Alice stopped the car and Vale got out. "Carlisle will know where to find me." Alice said nothing, but smiled at her future mother.

Those two were going to have a beautiful wedding.

Vale walked into the woods, crossing the small stream in a single bound. The sun was setting. 

She perched herself on the large rock where she and Carlisle had spent so many hours together. She rubbed her hands nervously. One thing that she did like about being a vampire was the lack of a heartbeat. When she was alive, she hated feeling like her heart was about to give out when she was scared and having her blood rush to her ears, blocking all sound. She liked the calm, controlled quiet she was able to have now.

He was right behind her. She couldn't hear him, but she knew it...


Carlisle had known exactly where she would be. 

After hearing nothing at all from either Alice or Edward for 3 days, he was getting worried. Then Alice calmly walked into the house, with a smile plastered on her face. She walked right up to him. "She said you would know where to find her." Carlisle blinked at her once, then bolted out of the house.

There she was, right where he knew she would be. She turned to face him, and his breath hitched. 

Everything about her mesmerized him. Her vampiric beauty filled him with wonder. Her unnaturally deep green eyes looked at him through long dark lashes with a gaze that completely overwhelmed his mind. Her scent was overpowering, and he began to tremble. He steadied himself on a nearby oak. She began to approach him slowly, watching his face to see what he was thinking - what he would do. 

She was still a good several yards from him when she began to speak. Carlisle closed his eyes trying to compose himself. Her voice was like velvet, wrapping his whole being in a gentle warmth that he had not felt for centuries. 

"I told you," she was saying, "I will always come back to you."

She ceased her approach, staying just shy of 3 yards from him. His eyes were still closed and he had not moved or said anything. She wasn't sure what to make of it. Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

"Carlisle-" She began.

Suddenly, she was pinned to the grass beneath her, Carlisle's lips covering hers with a fierceness she had not known. Her hands went instinctively to his hair, her eyes fluttered shut as she let him explore her mouth. His hands gripped her waist so tightly she could feel every digit. His body still trembled, holding her to himself. She let herself breath in his scent.


The kiss began to get more heated, fangs and tongues clashed as the Lord and Lady battled for dominance. Carlisle let out a groan, then pulled away. "I've been wanting to do that for so long..." he ran his fingers through her hair. She hummed in response, kissing his jawline. She started fidgeting with his shirt buttons. "Carlisle..." She whined. Her mind was completely oblivious to anything but him, anything but his name. 

"Carlisle..." She whined again. Carlisle could see from her face that her body was reacting to his but her mind was struggling. Her eyes had transformed from forest green to deep, wild black holes. Self-control was his gift, not hers. She wasn't going to be able to control her desire for him. Their desire for each other. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them on either side of her head. "Easy Darling, this is not what you wanted, remember?" He whispered soothingly. "We will wait. The both of us, for our wedding night. Hush Love," She was still whimpering, "I'm here and I always will be. Calm down... Shhhhh."

Her squirming slowed and her breathing steadied. They stayed that way long after she had regained her composure, just holding each other and watching the sun set on the horizon.

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