Chapter 30: "Missed Me?"

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 So much drama for a single little human girl...

James was choking on the grip that Jasper and Emmett held him in. Carlisle was on the floor with Edward beside a convulsing Bella, telling him his options on how to save her.

"You're all stupid. Don't you see?" James spat. Everyone turned to look at him. "I WIN! I GOT THEM BOTH! I WIN!" "WHAT?" Carlisle was in the man's face now. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BOTH OF THEM?" He looked at Alice for an explanation. Her face was full of fear. "I haven't been able to see her future for weeks! I can't see anything!" 

James choked a laugh. "There's more than one way to hunt, little girl..."


Vale was lying in bed in her old house. She felt so alone and the house felt so empty. She wished Carlisle could be there with her. She would even be satisfied if Murdock were at his old post by her door, but sadly, he was in the station kennel with all his other K9 friends. 

The house creaked. 

She looked up at the ceiling, her weapon ready to fire in her hands. She slipped out of bed and made her way to the door of her room. Silent steps took her downstairs. She placed her back against the wall of her kitchen doorway.


She aimed the gun inside, her eyes searching for the intruder. Nothing.

Nothing but soft warm breath coming from behind her. Nothing but the cold barrel of a gun placed in between her bare shoulder blades. "Drop it sweetheart." Vale raised her hands by her head, letting the gun fall to the floor. "Long time, baby girl. I've missed you." "Like hell you've missed me. You missed getting off on a warm body since nobody else but your sister will get near you." "Ouch! That stings." A bulky hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. "Dad missed you too, ya know...and everybody's gonna LOVE having you back."


By the time the Cullens had burned James' body and sped back to Vale's house, the whole thing was up in flames. 

Firefighters were desperately trying to put it out, and Charlie Swan had his team on it as well. "Chief Swan!" Carlisle yelled. "Is she here? WHERE IS SHE?" "There's nobody inside, Dr. Cullen. We don't know where the hell she is."

Carlisle looked at the embers going upward. There would be no evidence, no fingerprints, nor anything salvageable from this... Not even a scent for a vampire to trace her with.

He collapsed on the ground into the grass beneath him. Every Cullen stared in shock and horror at the sight before them. 

All Carlisle had left were her last words.

"I will always come back to you."

(Recommended Song: Girl on Fire by Alecia Keyes )

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