Chapter 38: The Lady Awakens

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Alice ran out of the house, dragging Bella behind her. The werewolf came along too. "We've GOT to get to Italy!" Alice was saying. "Who's the pup?" Vale jerked a thumb in Jacob Black's direction. "VALE? YOU'RE ALIVE?" Bella's jaw hung open. "Still suckin' wind, baby. Or not." Vale grinned. "Wait. Vale? The dead cop?" Jacob blinked at the woman standing in front of him. "She was never actually proclaimed dead, dumbass." Alice sneered. "Did they change you?" Jacob asked Vale with a growl. "No. I was kidnapped by a psychopath and saved by a nomad vampire." 

Alice had shoved Bella into the black car. "You coming Mom?" "MOM???" Jacob was beyond confused. Vale just left him gaping with a smirk, climbing into the passenger side of the car. Alice started driving. "Friend of yours, Bella?" She asked. "Yeah. We knew each other as kids." "I sure hope you didn't encourage him into anything you didn't mean to." Vale gave Bella a pointed look though the rearview mirror. Bella looked sheepish.

The next few minutes were spent in silence. Then Vale suddenly gave a groan and bent over, one hand going to the dashboard and the other clutching her lower abdomen. "Mom? You ok?" Alice asked anxiously. Bella leaned forward from the backseat and placed a comforting hand on Vale's shoulder. "Oh my GOD. WHAT IS THAT SCENT???" She asked, her voice unnaturally different. "What? What scent? Wait... Is this the first time you took a breath since getting in this car?" Alice asked. "Yeah." Vale managed, choking a little. There was a pause. "It's Carlisle's car..." 

Vale covered her mouth with the sleeve of her coat, trying to muffle a loud moan. "Wait. What does that mean?" Bella asked. "It means Karma is a bitch." Vale groaned. Alice was desperately trying not to smile. "When a vampire catches the first scent of their destined mate, they have a biological reaction that sets off every breeding instinct they have." Alice tried to explain. Vale was muttering curses under her breath. "I remember Carlisle... telling me... about his reaction to my scent..." She was trying to get a hold of herself and failing miserably. "GODDAMMIT! This is BEYOND ridiculous! It's like... It's like nothing I've ever felt before..." She laid her head on the dashboard of the car. Her nails were making marks on the fake leather/plastic. "It's not like feeling horny, that's an understatement... it's literally what you described it as. Breeding... Maybe even like a 'Vampire heat.' Judas Priest... How much longer until we get to the airport?" 

"About an hour." Alice confirmed. Vale whimpered. The struggle was getting real. "Should I just stop breathing?" She asked. "That's not going to help, sorry. In fact, that usually makes it worse, depending on weather or not you have a darker side." "Oh I have a darker side all right and she's getting pissed off that her man isn't here to fix her." Alice was laughing by now. Poor thing. Vale laid her head on the dashboard again, moaning to herself.

The Lady had been awakened. Her Lord should have been here. She caught his scent. She was his. She belonged to him, body and soul, and he belonged to her, in everlasting unity. 

But he was not there. Here she was, all hot and bothered for her man and he wasn't present to take her. The AUDACITY. 

"How am I doing Alice?" Vale asked through measured breaths. "Carlisle wasn't as loud." Vale snorted. She couldn't help but think that this was funny. She chuckled into her sleeve. "Oh, I totally wish I had a video camera right now." Alice sniggered. Vale gave her the middle finger. After a moment, she asked, "Do you think Carlisle would watch it?" This caused Alice and Bella to bust into giggles.

The Lady was pacing in circles, like a tigress in heat. Panting after her lover. She needed him and she needed him NOW. Now and forever, by her side. King and Queen. They would raise an army together...

Vale let out an annoyed groan. Her head was totally getting messed around with by this "Lady" inside her. "Does it ever go away?" "Nope. It just gets satisfied when the mates finally come together. Delay in the relationship makes it worse." Vale blinked. "So you're telling me that Carlisle is WORSE than this RIGHT NOW?" "And has been for a while." Alice confirmed. "Jasper feels it and boy does he make me feel it too." 

Vale shook her head. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu----

(Recommended song: If I Had You by Adam Lambert)

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