Chapter 10: "I Cannot Touch Her..."

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Carlisle almost didn't notice it at first. He had been obsessively keeping her coat with him wherever he went, it was almost becoming a pet. He only left it behind when he absolutely could not take it with him without being suspicious. He was currently in his office at the hospital, hands folded and eyes closed, recalling a recent conversation with his family.

He sat on the sofa, his family surrounding him, all talking about Vale. "Vale..." Carlisle's eyes closed as he pondered on the name in his mind. "Will she become a vampire?" asked Edward. "Eventually, yes. There is no future that I can see where she does not. It's weird though," Alice continued, "everybody is smelling something different from her, that is, her scent varies from person to person. I smell butterscotch candy, Rosalie smells ginger and honey, Jasper smells the freaking OCEAN- ""It's more specific than that! I said she smelled like the sEa AfTeR a sToRm..." Jasper interrupted. Alice ignored him and continued, "Edward says she smells like Earl Grey tea, Emmett smells fireworks or something, and Auntie Esme is getting Apple Butter, of all things." "What do you smell, Carlisle?" butted in Emmett, smirking. Carlisle's mouth opened, then shut quickly. Everyone knew that there was a special scent only a vampire's mate could smell. It wasn't something you could pin a name to specifically, but vampires always called it "arousal". Rosalie had stepped on Emmett's foot. "We've never seen you like this before Carlisle." said Jasper, gently. "We need to be concerned for Mama's safety." Silence spread over the group. Then Carlisle broke the stillness.

"I will not - can not - touch her until she becomes a vampire."

He had finally come to a point where he could have the thing right in front of him without wanting to sink his fangs into it or tear the fabric to shreds out of pure animalistic desire. Her scent was fading from the thing very slowly, but it was still present for the time being, which was why he didn't smell her at first. His eyes shot open, darkening instantly. He stared at the door of his office. She was in the building...


Charlie nearly broke every speed limit getting to the Hospital after getting Vale's call. He slammed the cruiser into park and practically bolted up to the door. Vale couldn't help but smile at the fatherly love and protection he had for his daughter. "I had almost forgotten... I barely remember him, but I remember his love... I wish I had my own Daddy back..." She snapped herself out of her thoughts. "I told Bella to go inside, she's in the examination room now, uninjured as far as I could tell, but I brought her here anyway just in case." "OhmygodthankyousomuchVale-"Charlie said quickly, yanking open the door. Vale nodded. "I'll be in in a moment, I need to talk to Forge." 

Waylon Forge was standing at the back end of K.I.T.T., looking at the broken tail light. He let out a low whistle. "Damn, where did you get such a nice car? It's in prime condition, save for the tail light of course." "It was a gift from one of my guardians before I moved to Forks. You know cars better than anyone I know. Think you can fix him?" "It's just a broken tail light, of course I can fix him!" "I'll pay you for your trouble." "No, you don't have to do that - " Vale held up a hand. "I insist. I really love this car. Tell you what," She said grinning, "How much more do you need to buy that new boat you've been wanting?" "About $700." Vale pulled out her wallet. "I'll write you a check for $700-" "For a broken taillight?! That's way too much!" "AND you can pay me back with coffee for 2 weeks." "Deal." They shook hands.


Charlie stood by Bella as she sat on the examination table. Tyler was babbling apologies. "I'm so sorry Bella. I tried to stop." "It's ok." "It sure as hell is NOT ok..." growled Charlie. Tyler turned to Vale. "Officer Rockford, I -" She gave him a look that silenced him. "This is not something that any amount of apologies can fix, kiddo. You're in deep yogurt right now and will be for a while, so I strongly suggest you zip it." "You can kiss your license goodbye." Charlie added. Vale gave him a "Come on, Charlie, he's just a kid" look, which Charlie ignored. He was too upset at the moment.


Carlisle stopped outside the door of the examination room. Her scent was stronger than ever before. He would finally get to see her for the first time. Behind this door was the woman to whom his whole soul belonged, the only one who had the ability to make him tremble and undo over 300 years of self-control and discipline that he had built up.

"I must stay in control. I must." 

Then, with a deep breath he didn't need but took anyway, he pushed the door open.

"I heard the chief's daughter was here..."

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