Chapter 36: Thoughts of You

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Three weeks went by.

Vale didn't bother staying in the house with no one there. She found the keys to K.I.T.T. hiding in a drawer in the garage, but decided against taking them since driving around in such a nice car was bound to be noticed. She wondered if she could go into town and buy some fruit, but thought better of it since she wasn't sure if anyone would recognize her. She wasn't completely sure if she should make her presence public yet, and thought that consulting the others would be the best idea before she did anything. Her eye color had lost their mahogany and maintained a deep green with golden rings around the outside. It was much like her original eye color, but much more piercing, with almost a supernatural glow. Since her skin tone was different and her facial structure more pronounced, she knew that going out would raise questions.

She just stayed out in the woods. She foraged and let the rain pour over her in torrents. She sat on a large rock just letting it fall. She felt like there should have been a presence next to her. In fact, this was the same rock that she and Carlisle had visited on their daily walks, the same place where she first began to trust him, and where their relationship began to build. 

But she remembered very little of this. She just felt like she belonged there, and was supposed to wait. Just wait. 

The loneliness was getting to her. 

She didn't have anyone to talk to, and she didn't know if the Cullens would even ever come back. 

But they had to. This was the place that they knew she would come to. 

A dry sob wracked her body. She hugged her legs closer to her body as the thunder rang out above her. 

Even as a vampire, she still hated going through a thunderstorm alone.

Since arriving at Forks, she had been regaining bits and pieces of her memory. Sometimes she would see a familiar passerby, or recognize a familiar pathway and recall something that happened. She couldn't remember the faces, but she remembered their names.

Carlisle. Esme. Jasper. Alice. Edward. Rosalie. Emmett. 

Other times it was a word. She had gathered a small repertoire of particular words that reminded her of a fuzzy event. One word would proceed into a chain of words that led her back to Carlisle.

Field. Baseball. Kitten. Carlisle.

Coat. Scent. Mate. Carlisle.

Police officer. Gun. Gunshot. Wound. Doctor. Carlisle.

All thoughts led back to him. 

This guy was starting to get kinda annoying.


But what happened with Carlisle and the Cullen clan?

After Vale's disappearance, word that she had been hanging with the infamous Doctor Carlisle Cullen began to spread. People were beginning to notice that Carlisle didn't look a day over 23 despite having been in Forks for about 6 years. 

"We have to move. Its the safest thing for everyone." Said Rosalie. Carlisle agreed.

But the Lord did not.

Nope. The Lord was beyond pissed. He knew that if Vale was out there, THIS was the place she would return to, and HE WAS NOT GOING TO LEAVE HER HE WANTED HER BACK.

Carlisle took a deep breath, trying to stay in control.

"Lets go then."

Edward broke up with Bella. Bella turned into a vegetable. You know what happened. 

What snapped her out of being a vegetable was Charlie's question, "Is this what Vale would have wanted? You thought so much of her. God knows where she is or what is happening to her. Is this what she would have wanted you to do with your life?" 

The answer? Hell no.

And so, dear reader, lets move on to the weekend that Alice showed up in Bella's home, shall we?

(Recommended song: Runaway by AURORA)

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