Chapter 3

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Pushing the door aside, he went straight to the back room first. Discarding his duffle bag on the floor by the lockers, he switched from his street shoes to his practice heels, which were a bit taller, and moved into the studio. He immediately started with his stretches to loosen everything up, and since he was alone for now, it was fine. He could hear a shoot in the other room, and judging by the voice it was a new girl that Val was breaking. Poor thing sounded like she was getting ripped in half, and knowing the pimp's sense of humor, she probably was very close to it. "God, did she even try to stretch?" The voice made him jump, but he went right back into his routine.

"She probably did stretch, but she's baby material." He looked back at the woman, a short little sheep with a chest that most woman would kill for. "I'm guessing she was prepared for about five inches and they gave her a daddy to make it work." The pair laughed at the thought before the sheep joined him on the floor for her own stretches.

"Man, I wonder what she did to get that rough treatment. You think she was late?" Spreading his legs, he slowly lowered himself, holding his hands in font of him and rotating his hips. Once his chest was flat on the floor, he held the position.

"Who cares? It's her problem, not ours." Bringing his arms back, he weaved his fingers behind his back and held both sets in the air. Making small adjustments to the position as needed to stretch out the right muscles, he kept his breath even. "I've got a shoot today myself, so I don't really care what he's doin' to her, you know? She signed up for this, and it'll be good for her later." With subdued motion, he stat back up and moved his arms back in front of him.

"What kind of shoot you got today? Just a photo set, or like...are we talking a one take?" He looked back at her and watched as she lifted he hips off the ground and pushed them towards her head. She wasn't a dancer and she wasn't as flexible as she could be, and he could see it. After all the years he'd watched people come and go for Val, he knew the as much as this girl talked, she probably wasn't going to last as long without a bit of help. Pulling himself off the floor, he moved over to her and started shifting her position. Straightening her legs, putting her hands with palms down on the floor, and he grabbed her ankles. Angel started to walk her legs forward, towards her head slowly, bouncing them a bit as he went to force her body to stretch out the tension.

"We're talking one take, baby, and he's already told me who's gonna be buttering me up." When he reached a certain point, he heard her back start to pop and crack, which got him a few moans and sighs in return. Finally, he brought her legs down until her toes were touching the floor on either side of her head. "And you know I enjoy them big." Stepping to the side, he released her and watched as she dropped flat on the floor, panting like they'd done something more. Rolling his head to stretch the muscles in his neck out, he headed out of the dance studio and onto set to get pulled into makeup and costume. It was time to put on a show, after all.

"That's it." With the final word from the T.V. demon, his partner pushed him against the mattress and walked away. Sitting up, he slid off the bed and paused for a moment while a couple of assistants weakly toweled him off. They weren't going to get any off, they were just trying to make sure it didn't get on the floor. Of course, that was basically just rubbing it into his fur, which meant another quick shower here, going back to the hotel sticky, and then taking another shower there to roughly scrub until it was all gone. He started heading off set to wash up, but stopped when the hand was held out in front of him. Following the arm up, way up, he locked eyes with Valentino. Tall, controlling, with a style that would kill if anyone outside the studio ever saw it, the Overlord was a force to be reckoned with by an means. He had a temper that put hurricanes to shame, a voice that seduced royalty, and a body the even had the men and women who worked for him begging for a touch, much less the rest of Hell.

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