Chapter 13

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From the moment he got outside the building, he felt incredibly out of place. Despite his feline attributes, Charlie had insisted he put on clothes, which felt odd after all this time. The black slacks and button up had been a base, but once Alastor had gotten wind, he'd had to include the entire ensemble. So now he was standing outside the club wearing an outfit he hadn't worn in ages, complete with the maroon vest and matching tie, and he was clearly the only one who seemed like he cared enough. "I cannot believe we're here. You know how huge this is?" His ears flicked as he picked up every little conversation around him unintentionally.

"Hell yeah! Wonder how many people they're actually gonna let in. These tickets were mad expensive."

"Yeah, but they were worth every penny. It's the fortieth anniversary since Angel Dust debuted, that's fucking nuts! I can't wait to see what he does!" When he finally reached the door, he pulled out the ticket Angel had given him and handed it to the doorman. A brutish fellow, he was clearly some type of lizard, though Husker couldn't have cared less the specifics. The man took his ticket and stared down at it for a moment before giving him a narrow eyed look. After a moment, the lizard whistled loudly, making a good portion of people around them jump. A second person, this one a small, more traditional demon woman, walked over and snatched the ticket from the bouncer. She looked Husker over with a suspicious glance and he was more than ready to simply run and cut his losses. Then she pulled out a flashlight and held the ticket up to see through it. When the light hit the paper, a small spider web shadowed through and she lowered it.

"It's real." The woman turned to the bouncer and held up the ticket. "I will take this and I will show our VIP guest to his seat. Mark down that Angel Dust's personal ticket has been used." He could hear the whispers around him as he followed behind the woman, into the club and farther toward the stage. Just to the right of the stage was a secluded booth; inset and surrounded by curtains on all sides, though the curtains on the front were pulled back, giving full view of the stage with absolute clarity. "Funny, Angel Dust never uses his tickets, so his booth usually stays empty for his anniversary shows. You must be pretty lucky." He slid into the booth and shook his head.

"No, just a good friend." She nodded and went through a series of questions asking him about drinks, food, and anything else he could possibly want while in the club. He did order a drink, which he had to write down for her because she was scared she would get it wrong or the bartender wouldn't know it, but he declined everything else.

"Remember, if you want a dance, all you have to do is wave down one of the girls and tell us who. Unless Val says other wise, all VIPs get choice." She thought for a moment before nodding again. "One last thing," She pointed across the room to a booth directly in front of the stage. It was lower than the rest of the floor with larger booths and it had no curtains, so it could see everything on the floor. "That's Val's booth. Tonight, Val and Vox will be there, so we ask that you refrain from any pictures or videos of any kind while in the club. Vox will know the second it happens, so it's really advised that it not be something you try." She leaned in closely with an uncalled for sense of familiarity and smiled, hiding her mouth from others. "At Angel's thirtieth, someone took a very raunchy picture of the two of them together in the booth, and oh my god, that guy is still not allowed back... or electronics, for that matter." He gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded.

"Duly noted, no pictures, or videos. I'm probably not going to be looking over there anyways." She nodded quickly and smiled at him before telling him to "enjoy himself" and sauntering off. Relaxing himself, he looked around the club carefully. People were still shuffling in and being shown to seats while scantly clad girls walked around and took any orders, and all he was doing now, was waiting, watching, and listening. His drink was brought to him and he watched as seat after seat was filled with eager eyes, all come to watch his lover. He knew Angel was popular, everyone knew it, but seeing it in person on such a mass scale was almost frightening. When the room was almost to capacity, he dared a glance at the special booth in the back. It was still empty, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't be for very long. His anxiety mounted when the room was full, all orders in, and the lights dimmed. The spotlight centered on the stage and hung there. From either side of the stage he watched the two Overlords emerge.

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