MDZS 15-Diary Exchange 3

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MDZS Snippet


Diary Exchange 3

If Han Guang Jun x  Wei Wu Xian

Wifi: HAN GUANG JUN! LAN ER GEGE! LANZHAN! The love of my life! The golden core of my loin! 

Lan Zhan: Wei Ying, you are in the library, too loud, silence, please. 

Wifi: OKAY! *covers mouth with hands and starts muffle talking* !!%^#%!*

Lan Zhan: Wei Ying, voice to soft, you are inaudible. 

Wifi: Lan Zhan, you're so confusing! One moment you said I'm too loud, and now you said I'm too soft! Hehehe, but I like you being confusing. 

Lan Zhan: Please state what you want before I put a silencing charm on you.

Wifi: Ok, ok, geez. Oh I just want to exchange diaries with you! 

Lan Zhan: Diary? 

Wifi: Yeah, you know, diary entries? Like me writing my secrets and then you writing your secrets and then we exchange then we read about each other, you know since we are so close so we can share a secret of two? Or many secrets? 

Lan Zhan: *Brain processing how sticking with each other 24/7  is not enough but decides to hold his tongue* Hmm. 

Wifi: Yay! I'll write an entry and you write an entry and then we exchange them to read. 

Lan Zhan: Hmm. 

A few hours later....

Wifi: LAN ZHAN! Here! Read mine! 

Lan Zhan: *Takes a deep breath* Hmm...

Wifi: So, how is it? Is the story funny? This is the one time I did Jiang Cheng nasty that he still didn't know about! 

Lan Zhan: Hmm. Interesting. But...

Wifi: Huh? 

Lan Zhan: This the wrong character spelling here and here. This is not the appropriate proverb you use to discuss about Jiang Cheng's bowel movement and the grammar structure here and here is reversed. Overall, I'll grade you bare acceptable. I recommend you rewrite this again 100. May help improve your handwriting too. 

Wifi: Oh you meanie! You're supposed to read my entry and laugh about it WITH me, not AT me! Fine then Mr Oh-So-Awesome-Grader, I'll read yours. Where's your entry? 

Lan Zhan: I've already gave them to you. 

Wifi: What, this? No, this is a stack of like 10 scrolls of boring cultivation reports no? 

Lan Zhan: It is my diary entry Wei Ying, just like you requested. 

Wifi: ....Umm...

Lan Zhan: Please read. Now. 

Wifi: *Gulps* Zhan? 

Lan Zhan: Hmm? 

Wifi: How do you read this word? 

Lan Zhan takes a deep breath, recalling his best meditation technique. 


Yukichi's Note: Still building my momentum. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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