MDZS 12-Fuck,Marry, Kiss

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MDZS Snippet


Fuck, Marry, Kiss

Gusu Brothers

Xi Chen: Wang Ji, let's play a game.

Wang Ji: Hmm. 

Xi Chen: I'll explain the rules ok?

Wang Ji: Hmm. 

Xi Chen: The game is called fuck, marry, kiss. 

Wang Ji: What an unmannerly title for a game. 

Xi Chen: Now now Wang Ji, let's not mind that. We shall keep our minds open. 

Wang Ji: Hmm.

Xi Chen: Alright. The rule is simple. Just explain who you want to fuck, marry and kiss. Who do you want to kiss?

Wang Ji: Younger Wei Ying *ears turn light pink* 

Xi Chen: My, a lovely choice. Who do you want to marry then?

Wang Ji: Current Wei Ying *ears turn pink* 

Xi Chen: Aww, my little brother is all grown up. 

Wang Ji: *Coughs* 

Xi Chen: Now for last, who do you want to fuck? 

Wang Ji: *Ears turns red* *Coughs* *Mumbles* 

Xi Chen: Excuse me? 

Wang Ji: *Mumbles again*

Xi Chen: Brother, I can't hear you? Don't be shy now. 

Wang Ji: Yi Ling Patriarch. 

Xi Chen: Oh my, kinky. Excellent choice. Wait, but Wang Ji, you are supposed to choose three different people for each! Do you want to try again? 

Wang Ji: No. 

Xi Chen: Ok! Then what shall we do next? 

Wang Ji: Meditate. 

Xi Chen: Good idea. The one who meditates the longest today wins. 

Wang Ji: Hmm. 

Yunmeng Brothers

Wifi: Jiang Cheng! Let's play Fuck, Marry, Kiss! 

Jiang Cheng: Huh? No, it sounds lame. Change Kiss to Kill then I'll play. 

Wifi: Ok! We'll play Fuck, Mary and Kill! Yay! Ask me, ask me! 

Jiang Cheng: Wait, aren't YOU going to ask me? 

Wifi: No, you only have people to kill but no one to marry and definitely no one to fuck so I can't even bother.

Jiang Cheng: Then why are you asking me to ask you again? You can ask yourself. 

Wifi: But I want to traumatize you!! Wanna see your face when I tell you the answers! 

Jiang Cheng: I don't understand why I am doing this. 

Wifi: Because you love me. 

Jiang Cheng: Ewww. Fine. Who do you want to kill? 

Wifi: Golden Peacock.

Jiang Cheng: He is dead for so long, aren't you still over it?

Wifi: No. Next. 

Jiang: Who do you want to marry?

Wifi: Lan Zhan of course! He once proposed to me drunk with two cocks!

Jiang Cheng: Excuse me? He proposed to you with his 'thing'? Eww! 

Wifi: I mean male chickens. 

Jiang Cheng: My bad. Who do you want to fuck then? 


Jiang Cheng: Eww. But good for you. Are you done now? 

Wifi: Why aren't you surprised with my answers? 

Jiang Cheng: Why, do I need to be surprised by your answers? 

Wifi: The kids were traumatized I played the same game with them. 

Jiang Cheng: Well I am not one of the kids. Are we done yet? 

Wifi: Yes. You are a meanie. 

Jiang Cheng: It is my responsibility to be mean to you. Now go away, I have shit tons of reports to read and mark and your ass is on my freshly mark reports. 

Wifi: Fine! I'll go tell brother Xi Chen you are available to fuck, marry and kiss. 

Jiang Cheng: WEI WU XIAN! 

Wifi: AHAHAHAHAHAH! Catch me catch me! *runs away after scattering reports, making funny faces at Jiang Cheng*


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