MDZS 07-Naughty Sexy Book

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MDZS Snippet


Q: You were walking through the woods and came across a naughty sexy book. What will you do with it?

Wei Ying: Bring it home and read it of course, duh! I have my huge collection all hidden in Lotus Pier, didn't have time to bring them over to Cloud Recesses but oh, I do keep one or two inside Lan Zhan's room. Hello, it's for the children's education as well! Old Man Qiren definitely don't believe in love education, which is vital for young people! See how happy me and Lan Zhan are after we have everyday is everyday? Though Lan Zhan's too powerful. My butt still hurts.

Lan Zhan: I'll conjure a burning spell and have it burned. It is inappropriate to leave such items along the woods.

Jiang Cheng: What do you mean what I'll do with it? Move on of course, I don't pick up rubbish from roadside. And what do I need to pick up nasty books from the roadside? Wei Wu Xian has his entire collection in his room floor and I know all his secret stash.

Lan Xi Chen: Oh naughty sexy books? It is a curiosity of an item. I applaud people who wrote such works. For us in Cloud Recesses, it is frown upon to read such materials but as part of knowledge, it would be an interesting subject to discuss. Perhaps I can ask third brother about it. For discussion purpose of course.

Jin Guang Yao: Naughty sexy books? I have seen and read enough during my stay at my mother's brothel and with the need to serve my perverted dead father, these are materials I regularly need to procure for my perverted dead father so f I have to see some laying on the woods, I will not be surprised but I do think it is very tasteless of that person who left such items. Inappropriate.

Wen Ning: naughty sexy books? Are those manuals to teach you how to be naughty? What is the meaning of sexy please?

Shi Zhui: Oh no, I have heard of such forbidden materials but to actually find them laying around in the woods would be a feed. I....will...probably.....ignore the book and move on. While I am curious, I also believe there are knowledge which I need not need to know. If I really need to, it would be best to ask the teachers or Senior Wei.

Jing Yi: AHAHAHHAAHA! Don't tell Shi Zhui but I have seen them before when us juniors hang out with the seniors out of Cloud Recesses but of course, it's a closely guarded secret between us brothers, like a brotherhood! One day I'll let Shi Zhui in but he is too proper!

Jin Ling: Naughty sexy what? I am not brought up to read such lowly material but....since it's found in the woods then that means it's free for everyone to take the material so...I guess I'll have to waste some time to go through it. What? I am just trying to be polite and maybe I can return it to the owner.

Nie Ming Jie: Nonsense. A real man doesn't read nonsense material. Just do it.

Nie Huai Sang: I KNOW NAUGHTY SEXY BOOK! That's probably my book I left in the woods. Oh, I used to let brother Wei borrow my naughty sexy book but he shows off to brother Lan and those get destroyed. I had to remind myself not to borrow brother Wei my naughty sexy books ever again. That, I know.


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