Chapter 18

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"Hello Silas honey" she smiled embracing him, forcing Grace to drop his arm.
"Ashley. What are you doing here?" Silas asked.
"I came to see you. You've been so long I got worried so I thought now would be a good time to meet the kids properly" She smiled.
"Hi Ashley" Grace said as nicely as she could fake.
"Oh hi Grace" she smiled but Grace could sense the anger and condescension in her tone.
"I should be going, I've got kids to feed" Grace gave the best smile she could before she took off quickly, leaving Silas at Ashley's mercy.

Grace sat at the dining room table with her children, Silas and Ashley. The tension in the room was building as the awkward silence continued.
"Thanks for dinner Miles" Archer murmured before the room fell silent again. Silas's hand moved atop Grace's knee but she pushed it away quickly.
"How was school kids?" She smiled.
"I had another meeting, everyone seems really good about themselves and I think it helps parents understand their kids more too" Alex told them.
"Good. I'm proud of you baby" Grace smiled.
"What's your meeting about?" Ashley asked with a smile but the room stayed silent.
"Alex, baby. Answer her" Grace told them.
"I don't want to" Alex frowned.
"It's bad enough we have to deal with dad but we are not dealing with the woman he cheated on you with either" Miles said through gritted teeth.
"Miles don't be so disrespectful. Ashley is your dad's wife-"
"Dad didn't seem to care about that when he was fucking you"
"Miles Black!" Grace shouted his full name.
"I guess dad's the common denominator here for affairs, sorry Ashley" Miles faked a frown before he went back to smirking.
"Go to your room right this minute! Your grounded!" She shouted at him.
"I'm 22. I'm going to my apartment that I bought with my girlfriend with my own money" he smirked, throwing his napkin onto the table before he left, the front door slamming behind him. Grace fell back into her seat, the room falling silent again.
"I'm sorry Ashley. I assumed the two of you had gotten divorced by now. It's all my fault" Grace apologized.
"I don't blame you Grace. Your the mother of his children, there's always going to be some feelings there but, I would like it to stop now" she smiled.
"Agreed" Grace nodded, taking a big swig of her wine.
"I actually think now's a good time to tell you why I came here out of the blue. I'm pregnant. And it's Silas's" she announced. The room fell into complete silence as everyone took in the news.
"Gracie?" Silas looked at her with concern.
Grace burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, before she grabbed the bottle of wine of the table as well as her glass and went upstairs, shutting her bedroom door behind her, laughing all the way as the others stayed quiet out of shock.
"Did you really have to announce that now?" Silas bit angrily.
"It's good news, we always wanted a baby together" Ashley smiled.
"No we didn't want anything Ashley. I already have five children, you wanted a baby, not me" Silas bit back angrily before he stood from the table.
"Where are you going?" Ashley asked.
"I'm going to check on Gracie" he practically shouted before he headed up the stairs.
"So...who's excited to meet their new sibling" Ashley smiled, her hands going to her flat stomach. The children all looked at her before looking at one another, they got up from the table and left the house, the front door slamming behind them.

"Gracie" Silas shut her bedroom door behind him as he entered.
"Did you know?"
"Of course I didn't" she scoffed "We weren't even trying"
"For all of our kids we weren't trying, it didn't stop me from getting pregnant"
"I used protection every time, Gracie you've got to believe me, I love you"
"It doesn't change what's happened Silas. Ashley's pregnant and you can't leave her. God I thought you would've been divorced by now. How stupid can I be!?" She said angrily.
"She's barely with me. I work all the time and she shops all the time, we barely even have sex, I thought she'd been cheating on me" He sighed sitting on the bed "I'm sorry Gracie. Really I am"
"It's too late Silas. I won't be the reason that your child has to grow up without a father. Just leave. Please" she begged. Silas got up from the bed and moved towards the door, he opened it before taking one last look at Grace before he left, closing the door behind him. Grace picked up her phone and dialed her friends number.
"Hey rose"
"Hey Grace, what's up?"
"How fast can you get here?"
"That bad?"
"I also need more wine"
"Oh. Really bad then. I'll be there in 10"
"Your amazing" Grace smiled, hanging up the phone before she threw it onto the bed.
"She's having his baby. She's having his baby" she repeated to herself, still unable to believe what was happening.

Grace sat on the toilet, the unused pregnancy test in her hand, nervousness beginning to take over, she took in a deep breath before she moved the stick under her body.
Grace sat with her back against the tub next to Silas, looking at the test on the sink, waiting for the alarm to go off.
"God I can't stand this" Silas groaned, gripping her hand tighter.
"It's my body not yours" she reminded him.
"Your probably not even pregnant"
"Yeah. We're just overreacting"
"But what if you are pregnant?"
"We want a kid don't we?"
"Of course. Any kid with your DNA would be amazing"
"Any kid with your smirk will be the death of me" she smiled at him, squeezing his hand lightly.
"What if it is negative though? What then?"
"We could just try again. It is a lot of fun making one" she smirked.
"Yes it is" he smirked back, kissing her gently. The alarm went off, breaking their moment, the nervousness setting in again.
"Do you want me to look?" He asked.
"Let's look together" She told him, grabbing the test she sat back next to him.
"1, 2, 3" Silas counted down before Grace flipped the test, the two pink lines staring straight back at them.
"Oh my god!" Grace gasped.
"I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby" Grace smiled widely.
"We're having a baby" Silas smiled widely, pulling Grace into a tight hug.
"Careful don't squash the baby" she smiled. Silas pulled Grace so she was lying on the floor before he pulled her t-shirt over his head.
"Hello baby. I'm your daddy, I can't wait to see you" he murmured against her stomach. Grace pulled her t-shirt up, just under her bra, letting Silas's head out.
"Come here baby" Grace gently pulled his head up and connected their lips.
"Why don't we make it twins?" He smirked.
"How about no. One baby is enough for our first" she smiled kissing him again "But I want you to take me to bed" she smiled.
"Yes my darling, anything for you. Anything for our baby" he smiled, kissing her again.

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