Chapter 4

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Grace let out a groan as she woke up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before she opened them slightly.
"Your watching me sleep?" She asked Silas as he smirked at her from a chair in the corner of her room.
"I came to wake you up but you always looked so calm and beautiful when your sleeping, I couldn't help it"
"It's creepy" she muttered as she stretched out her.
"It's romantic" he smiled.
"When was the last time we we're romantic? Oh. I remember, it was before you cheated with your secretary but after Alex's birth" she smiled sarcastically.
"I made you coffee" he watched as she sat up in bed before he handed her the cup.
"It's good, thanks"
"I was thinking-"
"Always dangerous, continue" she joked.
"Me and you tonight, no kids, no fighting, just a meal like we used to have" he suggested.
"What's the catch?"
"I just want to have dinner alone, please?" He begged, pulling his best puppy dog face.
"Fine" she groaned deeply.
"Good. And dress comfortably" He smiled, rising from the chair.
"As apposed to all the suit wearing" she motioned towards his attire.
"I'll dress down I promise. I know you like seeing me in less" he smirked, winking at her before he left her room, closing the door behind him.
"Asshole" she groaned falling back onto the bed with a sigh.

"He wants to go on a date?" Rose gasped in shock.
"Yes because apparently him just being here isn't torture enough" she groaned.
"Oh come on. You like it" she smirked.
"I do not" she rolled her eyes, moving to stack the shelves.
"Yes you do. I mean the two of you were in love once upon a time, you were the dream couple that everyone envied"
"Until he decided Ashley's vagina was more inviting than mine" she shot back, giving an apologetic look to a customer for her language.
"And? Some of the best couples need time apart. You can't deny that you haven't thought about it"
"No I haven't. What's done is done. The past is in the past. I've been there done that, there's nothing to revisit Rose" she smiled as she finished serving the customer before she turned back to Rose.
"Not even one last orgasm?"
"Not one" She assured her.
"Will you at least let me buy you a vibrator or something then. The last time you got laid was when he left" she sighed.
"I would say yes but hiding anything from my kids is damn near impossible"
"Only two more years until you can get laid then" Rose sighed.
"Yes. Oh can I use you for my alibi tonight?"
"Why do you need an alibi?"
"If the kids find out I'm going on a date with their father, they'll stop talking to me which will have disastrous consequences like the world will stop spinning on its axis " she sighed.
"Ok sure. Tell them were having a movie night"
"Great thanks" she smiled.

Grace pulled on her jeans and oversized knitted jumper with her white converse high tops. She looked herself over in the mirror, straightening her jumper before she tightened her ponytail. Her phone bleeped in her back pocket, it was a message from Silas.
Silas: The diner on Maple. I'll meet you there gorgeous x
Grace rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone back into her back pocket before she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs.
"Hey mom where are you going?" Alex asked, hugging her.
"I'm having a movie night with Rose tonight so don't bother me" she smiled jokingly.
"Have fun" Poppy called.
"I will. See you later. Tell your brothers where I am" Grace called as she left the house.

Silas studied the menu and looked up every time the bell of the door rang, signalling it's opening. When Grace pushed open the door, Silas rose from his seat, looking over her body as she approached him.
"Your in casual clothes. I don't remember the last time I saw you like this" she joked.
"I believe the last time was...never" he joked, kissing her cheek before they sat in the booth.
"So before we order, tell me why did you ask for a date?"
"I believe I called it dinner" he smirked.
"Fine, why did you ask me to dinner?"
"I wanted some time away from the kids, I wanted to just have some time with you" he picked up the menu, dodging the obvious.
"But why?" She asked again, pushing the menu away from him.
"To relive the past. I wanted to make up the past to you"
"That's quite a job ahead of you" she sighed.
"We don't have to be best friends, but I just want to at least be kind to one another" he had his pleading eyes that Grace couldn't refuse.
"Fine" she groaned, picking up her menu.
"You won't regret it" he smiled, picking his menu up.

"Here's your milkshakes, good to see you Grace" Rachel smiled.
"Thanks Rach" she smiled back.
"Asshole" Rachel cursed at Silas before she walked away to serve another table.
"Really?" He sighed.
"She's in the twins year at school, word got around to her because she dated Oliver too" she explained.
"Does everyone in this town hate me?"
"I think so, yes" she smiled taking a sip of her vanilla milkshake.
"Despite everyone's hatred for me, current company included, this is quite nice" he smiled, sipping his chocolate milkshake.
"Where's Ashley?"
"Shopping, brunching, spending my money" he joked, reaching over and taking a sip of her milkshake.
"Hey" she pushed him away before she grabbed his milkshake and took a sip.
"Your cute when you fight over milkshakes" he smiled.
"Your sappy" she challenged, scrunching up her nose. Rachel arrived 5 minutes later with their burgers and fries.

The two of them walked out of the diner towards Silas's car.
"So why don't we extend our friendship date?" He proposed.
"You used the word date. What do you have in mind?"
"This way my lady" he smiled opening his passenger car door for her.

"Keep them closed" he warned.
"How much longer?" She groaned.
"We're here" he told her as the car came to a stop.
"Are we at the bowling alley?"
"How did you know? Did you keep your eyes covered the whole way?"
"Of course I did" she uncovered her eyes "I've been driving around this town for years, I can get anywhere blindfolded" she smiled.

Silas hit his fourth strike and cheered loudly.
"You are cheating" Grace moaned.
"Am not"
"Are too" she moaned and folded her arms over her chest which Silas found adorable.
"Come here" he encouraged, picking up a bowling ball, handing it to her as he stood behind her. He placed one hand on her waist and the other over her hand which held the bowling ball.
"Now, you want to swing your arm back and forward a few times to get a good swing and try to keep your arm straight so the ball will hit center" he explained "And twist your hips before you release the ball" he twisted her hips forward and back, her rear bumping his crotch as he moved her "And don't forget to bend a little, you don't want to throw the ball" he encouraged, bending her slightly, his hand on the small of her back.
"Ok. Seems simple enough" she smiled awkwardly, as she stood up straight. Silas stayed behind her, his hands gripping her hips as she twisted forward and back swinging the ball before she bent slightly, repeating the movement before she released the ball. They watched as it rolled down the lane and took out all of the pins.
"Oh my god! I did it!" She jumped into Silas's arms gleefully.
"Well done. It only took 30 years" he joked.
"Thanks for finally teaching me your bowling trick" She smiled.
"Your very welcome" he smiled, squeezing her hips lightly.
"You can let go now" she said awkwardly, moving away from him when he finally released her "I should be getting home. The kids will be wondering where I am"
"Their all grown up and you deserve a fun night out. You can't deny that this is fun" he smiled, watching as a bright smile crossed her face.
"Fine. Where next then?" She smiled.
"How about a drive? I have somewhere special to show you" he smiled leading her away from the alley.

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