I love to be around you

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The days had been dragging by. My fingers clacked endlessly on my keyboard.

I adjusted my thick glasses and squinted at the computer. Maybe it was time for a break. My vision had begun to blur from the long hours in front of the electronic screen.

A loud screeching yell in my ears alerted me to my next task. "Where are my charts?!"

I grunted and placed a finger to my ears. "Yes Jerry. I'm coming. Just give me a moment."

"Now, moron!"

"Five minutes, Jer!" My fingers went back to clacking at the keyboard.

I was vaguely aware of the small group that was progressing past my desk. But I could see her. The girl that always brightened my day. "But daddy, why can't I come with you?"

I smiled as the little girl's voice pierced my focus. I swung around in my chair and eyed her. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail and a pouty expression was drawn across her face.

"I've got work to do, Chell," said her father, "Stay here."

I quickly rose from my seat and took the girl's hand. "I'll watch her if you want," I offered.

Chell's face lit up. "Yeah! Could I stay with Uncle Wheatley?"

Strictly speaking, I was not her uncle. More like a babysitter, but I had jokingly said it once and the nickname stuck.

"Yes, that's fine," he replied, distracted. He was speaking with another scientist and not fully listening to what his daughter said.

I smiled back at her, gathered up the charts that I needed to deliver, and guided Chell out of the room. "Hey, love," I said, stopping in the middle of the hall and kneeling down, "Guess what I've got for you?"

She made a fake stumped face. "An apple?" she laughed.

"Oh! Got me again!" I said, tossing her the fruit and ruffling her hair.

She giggled a bit, but stopped when we began walking again. "Uncle Wheatley?" she said.


"Why is my dad always so busy?"

I hesitated. "Well...." I began, "Aperture Laboratories is on the verge of a major breakthrough. He's got important work to do. He cares for you plenty, but he's busy. Work's been stuffing him with important things to do, yeah?"

"Is that why you're not busy? Because they don't give you important things to do?"

I winced inwardly. "No no, love. I'm not very...... erm, important. Not very high up. Not like your father. I don't get to do things like that. But that's fine! Perfectly. I get to spend more time with you. Right?"

She smiled again. "Right."

As the hall started to get narrower, several people passed by, one of which shoved into me roughly, saying, "Move out of the way, moron."

Another stuck out his foot and I fell face forward onto the ground. My papers scattered across the floor. "Moron!" he shouted.

Chell whipped around and shouted back at the top of her lungs, "Stop it! Uncle Wheatley is NOT a moron!"

The men walked away, chuckling. The little girl started after them, but I grabbed her arm. "Don't worry about it, love. They're not worth your energy."

She dropped to the ground and started picking up my papers.

"Leave it, Chell," I said, "I'll get them."

She ignored me.

"Chell. Leave them," I insisted. "You take care of me all the time. I can take care of you, right?"

"That's not how it works," I said, taking the papers from her hands.

She stood up and sniffed.

"What's the matter, love?" I asked.

"Those guys called you a moron. You're not a moron, uncle Wheatley." She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"No no. It's fine. There's no reason for you to be upset. Everything's going to be fine. Hey! What're you going to do for Bring Your Daughter to Work Day?"

She pulled away from me and shook her head. "I don't think I'm going to do anything."

"Why not? It's a brilliant opportunity."

"I'm not good with science."

"Sure you are! And if you struggle, I'll help you out."

"My dad says you're not allowed to help me with my science projects anymore."

I took her hand again and scratched the back of my head with the other. "Why's that?"

"He said we shouldn't take anymore chances of you screwing things up."

"Did he say that now?"

"He said the exploding volcano was one thing, but that the expanding, multi fiber leaves were not good."

"No? He didn't even like the smellenizers?"

"He REALLY didn't like that one."

I laughed. "You know what? We'll do potato batteries. Keeping it simple, yeah?"

She nodded, swinging back and forth on my arm.

"And if your father is still busy after the day's up, we'll go out for ice cream."

She shrugged.

"No? Not ice cream? What kind of child are you?"

She giggled.

"Alright, Ms. Picky. We'll get cake then. Is that good enough for you?" I asked teasingly.

She nodded happily.

"Good. We'll build our boring little potato batteries, then we'll get cake."

She nodded one final time, tightened her grip on my arm, and crunched into her apple.

A/N: Sorry if this is odd in any way to you guys. It's just a silly little story I thought up last night at 11:30. Although I will probably continue off of it. I hope you enjoyed! <3 <3 <3

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