James Potter - Best friends Dad

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AO3 original By Itsmentalillness

Of course, spending a day alone with James Potter sounded wonderful. You dreamed that you could have him all to yourself. Every girl who knew him did. But making that dream a reality was not something you planned on doing.

Not today.

Not while on his boat. Not while stuck in the middle lake of his holiday home. Not in the starkness of a bathing suit.

There was nothing to worry about. Right?

It was just Mr. Potter.

It was just Mr. Potter. Who you spent many of your school holidays within his home. The same one who was the father of your best friend. Who was ages older than you. And was insanely attractive. It was just Mr. Potter- and you.

"Mr. Potter, I don't want to be a hassle. I can wait for Harry."

"Nonsense doll. It's a pleasure to have you."

Merlin. You couldn't fight him. Something about him was so goddamn persuasive. His words were absolutely intoxicating. He could tell you to walk off the dock and you'd obey, without hesitation.

James Potter had you wrapped around his finger, and he didn't even know.

You held your tote close to your chest, it was now or never, you stepped on the boat, heading closer to bow.

It was strange, watching as James silently free his boat from the dock without the help of Harry. Even if Harry's assistance wasn't the best. It tended to be a struggle for him, but he always tried, for better or worse.

To say you weren't sure what you would do this afternoon, would be an understatement. You dreaded this boat ride. Without Harry to keep you occupied, you'd have to talk with Mr. Potter, and that wasn't something you were sure you could manage.

It's not that you didn't like him, no, you adored him. But you loathed the effect he had on you. Every second you'd ever spent alone with him felt like an eternity. He made your knees weak. Your heart flutter. And words come out scrambled. He made you flustered more than anyone ever could.You know it is taboo to think of your friend's father in such a way, but you couldn't help yourself. Nevertheless, a girl could dream. That's all he was to you. A fantasy. A lust-filled fantasy. A fantasy you've caught yourself running over and over. You couldn't reckon how many times you dreamed of him the one caressing your body in the same fashion you did.

James felt quite the opposite. He was almost glad Harry hadn't joined today. It allowed him to see you all for himself. Yes, it was selfish of him but god was it good. Everything about you enticed him. More than anything he wanted you all to himself, all the time. He longed for his hand to be around your waist, to feel your lips against his, just to be able to call you his. But all he was allowed was you from a distance.

"Take a seat, we're off shortly."

His words broke you from your trance. It hardly hit you that you had just been staring a James rather than making yourself comfortable for the extended day ahead. As he said, the two of you were off in a matter of minutes.

It was refreshing to feel the breeze and the boat sped through the clear. Mist ricocheted off the sides of the boat, making you laugh at the pure joy such a feeling could do to you. It was as if all worries had washed away for a second. Leaving only you to remain in bliss. Yet bliss can quickly be replaced.

The boat came to a halt, putting you back in the reality of where you were.

Just keep to yourself, ignore him as much as possible.
Which was easier thought than done. It was as if the whole universe was against you, granted you were stuck on a boat with little square footage. One would think that hopping off the boat to lay leisurely in the water would be a fine idea to escape Mr. Potter, but they would be wrong. He simply insisted upon keeping you company in the water, which you were excited about but refused to want.

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