Timothee Chalamet - Finally

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Timmy's been away for months for work, and when you're finally reunited it gets hot and heavy really fast.

AO3 By starsaregivenonceonly

It was almost midnight. You'd never been more impatient in your entire life, but it would be worth it. God, will it be worth it. He was supposed to come directly from some premiere that you couldn't make because of work (which, in your opinion, was absolute bullshit, but he seemed to be just fine with it). He had been MIA all night, and you were fine with that. Kind of. You let out a deep sigh and allowed yourself a single glass of wine before preparing. You bought a dark, deep, navy blue silk robe for this occasion only, and you slid it on, not bothering to put on a bra as you tied it loosely around your body. The robe barely came down past your hips, and you knew he was going to absolutely lose his mind. Good. After careful consideration, you picked a pair of golden colored panties, admiring yourself in the mirror and planting yourself on the staircase in your small, one bedroom apartment. After a few moments your phone dinged loudly, and you grabbed it so quickly that you almost fell down a few steps in the process.

I'm 2 minutes away.

Suddenly you felt nervous. Why in the world were you nervous? Perhaps because it had been a while since you'd seen him? You stopped and thought for a moment. A few months of just Facetiming, phone calls, texts when he was able to. It wasn't enough. You responded quickly. The door is open. I'm waiting. You both knew what was happening here. You talked about it beforehand. You could catch up when it was over. It had been too long since you had your hands on each other, and you had told him rather bluntly a few days beforehand that that was all you wanted the second he was in the door. He, as always, was rather happy to oblige.

The seconds ticked by, and you stretched your legs out in front of you, biting your lip and staring at the front hallway. You had gone all out. Your hair was a mess in the best way possible, down around your shoulders in waves. Red lipstick, but not bright red. A little more toned down, but the right color for him to notice it immediately. You had painted your nails black, toes and fingers. After careful consideration you had only put some mascara on, not wanting to overdo it. Besides, next to him? Why bother? You laughed to yourself, but only for a moment. The door opened and closed quickly, the lock turning, and suddenly your entire body was electric and buzzing like a beehive.

"Baaaaaby?" He purred the word, and you could only see his legs as he stepped through the front hallway. What in the world? His suit... you hadn't seen it yet, but holy lord did he look good. He stepped forward further, looking around, not seeing you yet. You leaned forward a bit, allowing a moment of awe as you stared down at him. His hair was slicked back, the suit fit him perfectly... black as night with a white design down the back and both legs. It would look much better on your bedroom floor. In a pile. Or perhaps left in a heap on the stairs.

"Up here." Your voice was low and throaty, and his head snapped up immediately. He stepped slowly around the banister and gazed up at you, his eyes shadowy and full of desire.

"Look at you..." he murmured, looking awestruck for a moment before gathering his bearings, smiling up at you with a devilish glint in his eyes. He knelt on the first step and put his hands forward on the fourth, biting his bottom lip. You've told him time and time again to not do that. It makes you absolutely crazy. But it didn't matter. "You look fucking unbelievable." He was crooning every single word; his voice was velvet.

You smiled and raised an eyebrow, leaning forward and beckoning him with one finger. He took the steps one at a time, painfully slowly, his eyes roaming down your legs, between them, up your chest and to your face again. He was crawling up the stairs then, his body moving like a cat hunting its prey. It was honestly one of the sexiest things you'd ever seen, and your legs were suddenly opening before you realized what you were doing. He laughed, knowing what he was doing. The sound was darker than his clothing and his eyes combined, and you let out a small whimper. You wanted to be more dignified than this, but who the fuck cared at this point?

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