First Dates (2)

Começar do início

Thanking the hostess, Hannah waited for her to walk away to get back to their conversation. "Have you tried talking to him?"

"Yeah, a few times. But he leaves as soon as he sees me. I feel like he's making it a bigger deal than it needs to be, but what do I know?"

"And I thought girls were dramatic," Hannah muttered under her breath before replying to Grant, "That sucks. For your sake, I hope he gets over himself and can understand where you're coming from."

Grant nodded in agreement. They began to look through their menus when a waiter came over to get their drink order.

The pair made small conversation once they decided on what they wanted. After the waiter took their order and went out of earshot, Grant spoke, "You look beautiful tonight."

"So normally I don't?" Hannah asked jokingly, making Grant chuckle.

"Oh, trust me, you always do." Grant's face flushed.

"Thank you," she responded with a genuine smile.

Their food didn't take too long to come out, and Hannah immediately felt hungrier at the sight of their meals. They both thanked the waiter before digging in.

They didn't speak much as they ate. Both were enjoying their food too much. It wasn't the first time coming to this restaurant for either of them, so they knew the food was good. That didn't make the meal any less great, though.

They talked for a while once they finished eating. Sometime after the waiter put the bill on the table, Hannah went to pick it up. Grant noticed in enough time to grab it before she could.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Grant questioned, looking at the total.

"Seeing how much I owe," Hannah said innocently. It's not like money was a problem for either of them, but Hannah would have felt bad letting Grant pay.

"You owe nothing. I'm paying."

Hannah sighed. She knew how stubborn people always were when it came to paying, so she didn't argue too much. "At least let me leave the tip."

Grant looked at her for a few seconds. "Fine. Only because of those damn puppy eyes."

She smiled. "Whatever it takes to make me feel like I'm not taking advantage."

"It's not taking advantage when I asked you out, and I offered to pay. You don't have to feel bad."

"Well, thank you. I appreciate it," she said fondly, then asked how much to tip.

Grant reluctantly told her, and she handed the cash to him to add to the rest of the money with the bill.

They left the restaurant together, hands accidentally brushing a few times. Grant walked Hannah to her car and asked if she wanted to go to the nearest train station as there was a beautiful park there that they could walk around. She agreed and got into her car while Grant made his way to his own.

They drove to their destination, only taking a few minutes to get there. The parking lot only had a few cars since the commuters would be long gone by this time. They parked next to each other and went outside into the breezy evening.

Walking on a path alongside the grass, Grant's and Hannah's hands continued to brush against each other's. The former eventually decided to do something about it and took Hannah's hand in his. She was slightly startled but greatly enjoyed the contact. She gave his hand a quick squeeze and leaned into his touch.

Grant looked over at Hannah. "You look really nice like this. I mean, don't get me wrong, you always look great. But it's nice seeing you...not all dolled up, you know?"

"I get it." Hannah chuckled, cheeks turning pink. They had really only seen each other in fancy attire of dresses and suits. Now, they were still dressed up but much more casual than usual in jeans and nice shirts.

"It's also nice to see you at your actual height."

"You just can't handle the fact that I'm as tall as you in my heels."

"Exactly. You crush my ego," he joked. "And you make me look short."

"Make that's because you are short."

"Am not. And I'm still taller than you."

"Only by a few inches. And you're supposed to be taller - the average height of a man is higher than the average height of a woman."

"Well, whatever. Point is, I'm not short." That opinion differed from person to person. Grant was about average height, so whether he was considered tall or not depended on who he was with.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

They kept walking leisurely and discussing random topics before they sat on a bench and took in their surroundings. Hannah rested her head on Grant's shoulder at one point. Comfortable in their position, neither really wanted to leave, but it was starting to get late.

Hannah and Grant unwillingly got up and walked back to their cars. They stood in front of the vehicles figuring out how to say bye.

They wound up hugging - Hannah's arms going around Grant's neck while Grant wrapped his around Hannah's waist. She hid her face in his shoulder before pulling away slightly to look the boy in the eyes. They both gazed for a few seconds before slowly leaning in. Automatically, their eyes shut, and they were caught up in a gentle kiss that only lasted a few seconds.

Once it ended, they backed out of the hug and said good night, both of them blushing adorably. Hannah left one last kiss on Grant's cheek and got into the driver's seat of her car with a promise to text each other.

They were both smiling like idiots on their respective ways home, happy with how the night had gone. As they got home, both hoped that they could mask their happiness enough to avoid any questions from their parents.

One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora