Drunk Affection

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   This is indeed for you my dear friend.  This will also get straight to the point, and is a one shot. 

Lucifer was stumbling from the place he and his brothers went to. Thoughts hazy and muttering about what pain he'll be brought upon tomorrow before taking out his DDD and tapping on the MC's number, texting them. Chatting with them and asking them who's idea it was for the drinking game, only to remember it was his. Once at HOL he mindlessly went to MC's dorm, seeking stability that could come from them.

Knock, knock. A few seconds pass by before MC opens the door rubbing their eyes with a stifled yawn, Lucifer already slumping onto them. "You're a saver MC." He mumbles out, MC blushing a bit at how close the two are, Lucifer on their chest and them being forced to take a few steps back in order not to topple over. "Yeah, I've known that for a while." MC grins, remembering how many times they've saved the brothers from something. Pulling Lucifer up right and peeling of the jacket he wore. After all it isn't the first time Lucifer has slept in their dorm, and sleeping in a jacket isn't usually comfortable.

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are? They sparkle so bright in the light, and always catch my eye anytime any where." Lucifer says, staring into MC's eyes, making them get butterflies in their stomach. Face flushed at how complimenting Lucifer is at the time. "Aren't you a flirtatious Luci." MC mumbles walking Lucifer to their bed, few seconds passing for him to get comfortable before laying in there.

"I wouldn't exactly call it flirting, more like stating the truth." Lucifer chuckles, deciding to take the chance to caress MC's cheek. "I- well- this is a unexpected side of you." MC stutters out, but takes the caressing hand of Lucifer and just holds it. They had dreamed of this, but felt a pan of disappointment that this had happened because Lucifer was drunk. It wasn't truly genuine as they would like it to be.

"There's many surprising things about me darling." Lucifer whispers, closing his eyes and snaking closer to MC legs tangles and holding hands. "You know I'm going to tease you about this Luci." MC smiles, tracing each facial feature and looks of Lucifer. Loving every second of this moment. Finally closing their eyes they slept peacefully, butterflies settling down.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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