↞ chapter VIII ↠

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The days afterward the date were awkward whenever I stumbled upon Elijah in between classes, or in the Great Hall. Tom hasn't said a word about the flower incident and he hasn't even asked much about the date, I assume he's waiting for me to bring up the topic, since even I have been hesitant to talk about Elijah. 

We're sitting in the library on the cold Tuesday afternoon, classes finally ended and we both made our way into the library to begin working on our hefty pile of assignments. I'm working on a Potions essay due this Thursday, I groan softly when I find myself at a point in where I don't know where the plot is going. 

I push the paper aside and take a book and start looking for needed information on the subject, I peer at Tom who's working silently on his own Potions essay, the parchment exceeding the length that the Professor wanted.

"You realize we only need to do two feet of parchment for this assignment right?" I ask him, frowning at my own paper which has barely passed a foot. 

He nods without a sound and continues his tidy scribbling, I huff out frustrated and try to focus on the lengthy book in my hands. 

'The Mandrake Restorative Potion is extremely useful for unfortunate cases of total paralysis, almost mirroring near death--'

I sigh in boredom, unsure what to write, I still need nearly a foot to complete the work and I have no idea what to speak about. 

Tom lets out a breath and places his quill down, "Already done?" I raise an eyebrow. He gives me another tight nod, and reads over his words, making sure each sentence is perfect. 

I pick up my fluffy quill, determined to write something down. I note Toms finished his essay and put it down, reviewing some information in the library books. 

I swallow and reread through my essay when pale fingers take my parchment. 

I turn my head to look at him frowning, he's bent over my essay and scribbling on it. "You don't have to write it for me Tom-" 

He looks up quickly, "I want to, you looked like you were struggling." I let him, closing the book in my hands with a breath of relief. 

I lean my head into my hand, my elbow propped against the desk and stare at him focusing on the parchment, he's biting his lip ever so gently in concertation, his cheekbones sharp and his white skin glowing under the candlelight. 

He looks up, feeling my obvious stare. I keep staring into his brown eyes, and remember the pink flowers and avert my gaze, I hear the quill resuming. 

He begins, "Was the date alright? You haven't mentioned a thing." He tries to make conversation. 

I cough lightly, trying to give myself time to think, "Well, there won't be a second date." I state truthfully. 

"What happened?" He continues, curious to the scenes that led to me not wanting to see Elijah once more. 

"He likes seafood, and acts like its my fault that I'm allergic?" I say out loud, my hands moving animatedly, my frustration finally beginning to come out. 

"And he has the worst sandwiches, and don't get me started about the soggy picnic blanket, I was wearing a dress!" I spit out, placing my head into my hands and sigh loudly. 

I finally peak out, curious to why Tom still hasn't muttered a word. 

He sits there with an arrogant smirk on his face, staring at me. 

"What?" I huff out sharply, my arms instantly folding across my  chest. 

"I told you it was a waste of time, the time you spent; you could of been done with this Potions assignment Christina-" He speaks, I don't let him continue and grab my book to annihilate him with.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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