↞ chapter I ↠

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This is the end but as they say endings are new beginnings, and I was having a hard time accepting that...

"Mom, I honestly don't care. Can't I just stay here with you and get home schooled instead." I sighed while aggressively chopping the carrots.

"As much as I would enjoy your company Tina, you seriously need to get a life." My mother said while stirring the mushroom soup. She was unbelievable sometimes, she was ill. Who would take care of her if I was gone? No, as much as it would be nice to have friends the same age as me and weren't nurses who took pity to me, I would stay with my mother until she got better. 

"No mom, I'm staying right here with you until you recover, if I'm gone who'll take care of you?" I furrowed my eyebrows and put the carrots into a pot. There was no way I was going to Hogwarts while mother was sick and alone here. She would have to drag my dead body over there. 

"No Christina, I won't have you wasting your life on me, I'm a lost cause and besides I can take care of myself perfectly fine. You're going to Hogwarts and thats final." She said stubbornly and turned off the stove.

I sighed. She can be impossible to convince. My life has always revolved around taking care of her, she got sick when I was young. My father had to take care of her for years, constantly going with her to hospital appointments, staying up all nights when she couldn't sleep because of the agony her body would give her so when I could start taking care of her on my own. He left; just like that. He couldn't handle it, watching mother slowly die. He didn't want to waste his life anymore I guess. 

"We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get you all your school supplies."

"Mom I'm not goi-"

"Silence. Christina I admire how willing you are for wanting to stay here and take care of me but I just simply won't accept it. Go to Hogwarts, not for you. For me. Okay?" She said while keeping eye contact with me.

I stared into the eyes I would look into in the mirror everyday, it was crazy how similar our eyes were. But her eyes always seemed more lively then mine. Even thought I was the one who was healthy and she was the one sick. I looked into them and I drowned into their comfort, swam in the sense of safety they gave me. I looked down.

"Yes mother.." I managed to mumble as tears began to form in my eyes. I took care of her for so long, it felt wrong that I was going to leave in a week. 

I felt her come towards me and engulf me with her arms, I wrapped my arms around her frail body and sobbed. It wasn't fair, how she was such a humble and sweet person and was slowly dying. While other wicked people thrived. It wasn't fair how father left just because he couldn't handle watching mother die, but left her in my hands. Left me to watch her die instead. 

I heard the birds chirping outside, the wind grazing the windows surface and reminded myself I was lucky to be with her at this moment. I was lucky to have such an amazing person as a mother. I pulled away and smiled at her, my cheeks still wet with tears. 

"My sweetheart, you are so mature for your age. I wish I could take away all your pain, I wish that you don't have to watch me die and I wish that the universe will give you somebody to heal all of your wounds like you did mine." She spoke to me softly. 

I held her hand, and again smiled reassuringly trying to show her that I didn't need anybody else other then her. She was my saviour, my best friend and the one person who I would die for. 

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

I was walking down Diagon Alley, the warm breeze of the afternoon was caressing my cheeks and the weather was beautiful, which was surprising since Autumn was creeping close. My mother was walking besides me humming a sweet tune. 

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