↞ chapter VII ↠

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The days go by and finally Friday stumbles by, I've been excited all week, glad for at least a small distraction from the upcoming exams and studying relentlessly. I stand in front of my dirty mirror, biting my lip gently while trying to decide what to wear. 

December's creeping closer, but the weather today was actually pretty sunny with just a sharp chill to it. 

I put on a pale sundress, and pull on some skin coloured stockings, just because it was nice out, does not mean I was going to risk it. 

I then pull on a simple jacket and then stared at my hair, should I pull it up or leave it down? 

Gosh this is difficult, what did guys like better? 

You know what, I know just the person to ask. 

I stand in front of Tom's door, knocking gently. The door swings forward, and I find Tom sitting at his desk, placing his wand down after opening the door magically. 

"I need your help." I step into the room and close the door behind me. 

He glances up quickly from his essay at me, "What are you dressed for?" 

"The date? Elijah?" I sigh, annoyed that he's already forgotten. 

His features hardened slightly, "Ah, right. What do you need?" He raises an eyebrow while leaning back in his chair. 

"Hair up or hair down." I pull my hair up into a mock ponytail and then let it down, showing him the options. 

He lets out a snort, rolling his eyes, "Seriously? This is what you needed? Don't you have girl friends that have more experience with this than I do?" He asks, his hand gripping onto his quill, ready to begin writing once more. 

I fold my arms against my chest, frustrated, "You're a boy. You understand what other boys like, now please help me choose." 

His eyebrows furrow, and then actually seems to stare at me thinking deeply. 

"Hair down." He finally blurts. 

"You sure?" I run my fingers through the hair sitting against my shoulders. The brown hair cascading below my chin. 

He nods solemnly, "You look prettier with your hair down." 

 Heat crawls up my neck, I smile softly and reply quickly "Thank you." 

"Okay now leave me be to finish this essay." He says forcefully, then turns to his essay and continues on with his work, books open beside him resting on the wooden desk. 

I nod and turn around to leave, my shoes shuffling against the floor. 

"Christina." I hear him begin, the sound of his scribbling quill has quieten. 

I turn my head to look at him, "Be careful and have fun okay?" He sighs. 

"Okay mum." I joke, a smile etched onto my face. 

He rolls his eyes once more and returns to his essay, I then walk out.


I'm sitting in my room staring at the ticking clock, just a few minutes until he arrives. I pick at my nails, wondering where Elijah might take me. 

A sudden sharp knock against the door disturbs my thoughts, and I get up quickly, take in a quick deep breath before walking towards the door and tugging on the handle, the door opening to reveal the light brown haired boy. 

He carries a bundle of dark flowers, the petals soft and carefree. The colour resembling black but in closer observation, I can see that it's a very dark purple. 

Wounds - T.M.ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora