↞ chapter IV ↠

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It was fourth year of Hogwarts; I'll turn 16 on the fifth of November, Tom on the thirty – first of December. I was in awe when he told me his birthday was on New Year's, he wasn't as enthusiastic.

I woke up to the rain pattering on my dorm window, very unnecessarily loud.

I groaned, and cursed at the universe loudly while rolling over, it was Saturday, and couldn't the world give me a bit of much needed sleep?

"That wasn't very polite," spoke a voice from the corner of the room.

I jumped up, wide eyed and looked over at the loveseat that seated, Tom Riddle.

"Bloody hell Tom, what are you doing in my dorm room?" my voice heightened while I curled my comforter against me despite the fact I was fully clothed.

"Don't we have project to do? I thought we could get it done early." He shrugged as if sleep didn't matter that much.

I glanced at the magical clock that hang on my wall, "Tom it's 8 am- I- How did you even get in here?" I gestured at my clock.

"Magic duh." He rolled his eyes and got up while shoving his hands in his pant pockets.

"I'll be waiting for you in the common room, make sure to hurry, I hate waiting." He spoke as he walked out of my dorm gently closing the door behind him.

I got out of bed and stretched; I headed into my bathroom and took my time in the shower just to peeve him.

I dressed in my robes, but instead of a skirt like normal days I pulled on sweat pants.

I headed to the common room humming while running my fingers on the corridor walls, skipping the doors.

I found Tom on one of the posh sofas reading, I looked at the cover of the book to realize he had stolen one of my books, 'The Little Prince.'

"You could've asked for the book instead of stealing it," I plopped myself on the sofa.

"I'm only borrowing it, it's painfully boring anyway." He snapped the book shut.

I fake gasped, "You are cold hearted, and the book has meaning."

"I don't understand why he chose to die, all for a rose." He looked at me sideways.

"That shows how much he cared for her, that he sacrificed himself to be with her again." I explained and grabbed the book from him.

"Pathetic honestly, now let's go get breakfast so we can start working on that project." He got up and started heading towards the common room door.

"Alright, alright, wait for me Tom!" I shouted to him while chasing after him.

"Literal turtle," he mocked me.

"At least I don't have legs as long as trees." I scoffed.

We made our way; while I waved to people I knew and told them good morning. Tom however didn't give a glance at anybody.

"Why on earth don't you try being more friendly towards people, the whole school population already fears you for some unknown reason." I complained waving my hands around.

Tom stiffened, "No reason." He shrugged it off.

I raised an eyebrow at him but let him be, because we already had this argument too many times before and he would always end up storming out without actually giving me an answer.

I even tried asking my other friends why they were terrified of him; they refused to answer the question, changed the subject completely or just ignored me as if I had never even said a thing.

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