↞ chapter II ↠

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I woke up with a start, what time was it?

 I turned my head to catch a glance at the clock that sat on my nightstand. The numbers flashed in the darkness of the room, slits of the sunlight made their way and sat on the floor. It was 8:24 am. 

I closed my eyes and laid there contemplating my life. I heard a soft knock, I lifted my head as my mother walked in already dressed. She always was a morning person.

"I see you're already awake, get up and dress. I made you breakfast." she spoke gently and she opened my curtains, the sunlight now freely streamed into my room blinding me. 

I groaned and squinted my eyes shut. I barely got any sleep last night, I was caught up with the fact that I was leaving my mother the next morning. 

I forced myself to sit up, my arms groaned in protest. My mother came to sit beside me and wrapped one arm around me. 

"I'm so happy that'll you'll finally have the chance to make friends Tina." she spoke with genuine joy.

I gave her a side ways look and smiled sadly, she wouldn't have anyone when I left. At least I could visit her on the holidays. 

"Thanks mom, but I'd rather stay here with you." I began as I rubbed my eyes.

"Enough of this talk, you can't convince me. Now get up and dress, we have a drive ahead of us." she got up and walked out of my room leaving me to drown in my own guilt. 

I eventually dressed, and walked to the kitchen and found a grilled cheese sandwich waiting for me. I grinned, grilled cheese sandwiches were my absolute favorite. I sat down and basically inhaled that thing.

 My mother walked in, coffee in hand. "Great, you've finished your breakfast. Now go get your trunk, so we can begin the drive." she said while grabbing the now empty plate and placing it in the dishwasher before turning it on. 

I got up and made my way to my room and grabbed my trunk, before I walked out I gave my room one last longing look and gently closed the door. 

I dragged my trunk, and stalked my way to the living room. I found my mother waiting there for me. She smiled and offered to help me with the trunk which I quickly declined.

I struggled with putting the trunk in the back of the car but managed to after a few minutes of torture. 

I stumbled over to the passenger seat, opened the car door and sat down. 

"You good?" my mom raised a eyebrow at me and started the car. 

"Mhm..." I mumbled as I closed my eyes while my mom started driving. 

By the time we made it to King's Cross, I was starting to feel quite nervous. My eyes hovered over the train platform numbers. My mother lead me to a brick wall. I suspiciously stared at it. 

"Um mom, what are we doing in front of a brick wall?" I said awkwardly.

"Oh right, this is the entrance to platform 9 to three quarters." she spoke as if it was normal knowledge.

She then started walking right towards it.

"Mom! What are you doi-" before I could finish my sentence she disappeared through the wall. I stared in shock, after a few moments of disbelief I decided to give it a go. 

I checked to see if anybody was watching but everybody was too busy with themselves, they didn't notice a thing. 

Before I could think of how stupid this was, I ran towards the brick wall and closed my eyes as I expected to crash into it. Surprisingly I didn't.

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