Alex nodded knowing she was too sleep deprived.

Once the doors were open, Lorenzo was first to stand as he took Skye in his arms. Alex followed very closely.

Rafael took this as a chance to talk to James.

"Come on James" he said when he noticed James was falling behind. James was hesitant to walk so close to Rafael in case it wasn't allowed. He chose to stay behind out of respect and didn't want to intrude on his personal space either.

"Did you manage to get a nap" Rafael asked.

James shook his head.

"Maybe you will tonight. I know none of you trust us but I can assure you we don't have any bad intentions with you three"

James was not convinced. "If you hurt Alex or Skye in any way I can assure you that we will have a problem " he finally spoke.

Rafael was a little taken back with how cold James sounded but nodded.
"That's only fair".

The car journey home was quiet. Lorenzo had placed Skye in the middle seat so both brothers could sit next to her.
None of them said anything though.

They reached home within the hour.

James and Alexander couldn't help but stare in shock at the home.

James and Alexander couldn't help but stare in shock at the home

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