James nodded but Alexander was quick to follow Lorenzo. He watched him carefully as he placed her down on the bed. By this point she had passed out as he had been carrying her.

"You are protective I get it but don't you dare yell at me like that again " Lorenzo warned and left.

Alexander let his walls falls, a tear ran down his face. Everything was a mess.

"It's going to be okay isn't it" James whispered after entering the room.

"I don't know. How could we let her reach the point of exhaustion" he said angry with himself that he hadn't taken care of her proper.
"She's sleeping now though Alex" James replied.
"Yes but I doubt we will be on the plane for long. We need her to sleep more" He replied.

"Are we in trouble for how we just acted" James asked, he was scared to go back out.

Alex thought for a minute."I don't know, why don't you take a nap too" he said fully planning on taking whatever punishment they give before they could get angry with James.

"But what about you" James asked.

"I'm fine" Alex replied.

James usually would say no but he was tired and didn't want his sister waking up alone so he agreed.

Alex waited until James was asleep which didn't take long, before quietly leaving. He rather stay and watch his siblings but he needed to get the punishment over with before they woke.

Whilst all this was going on, Rafael and Lorenzo had been discussing what had just happened. Rafael had  scolded Lorenzo for walking off without talking to Alexander.

"I will not have him speak to me like that" Lorenzo said.

"Well next time calmly explain where you're taking her. He's obviously very protective of his siblings, it's admirable really. You need to remember, they have no idea who we are, we are just strangers to them"


Alexander entered and took a seat.

"Where's James" Rafael asked.

"Taking a nap too"

"That's good, maybe you should have a little nap as well"  Rafael replied.

Alexander looked at his father, suprised he hadn't lashed out yet but then it hit him. Rafael obviously wanted him to fall asleep so he could punish his brother and sister for how he acted. Not a chance would he let that happen.

"Okay how about you ask us some questions. It's obvious you don't trust us which makes sense since you don't remember us so ask away"

"Why do we not live with you" Alexander asked. It had been on his mind since he had been told they had a family
Lorenzo and Rafael shared a look. Rafael didn't seem to be replying so Lorenzo anwsered "you were kidnapped when you were 4, from a birthday party one of your friends was having "

Alex nodded. It made sense. Those people who had them were criminals, they had connections. But why kidnap three 4 year olds. It didn't make sense.

"You say you're the eldest, how many of you is there" Alex asked.

"Three more brothers, Leo, Marco and Nico" Lorenzo replied.

Alexander managed to keep his emotionless expression up, inside he was freaking out though. Living with 5 other men. Would they make him do drug runs? Would they threaten James and Skye?  They looked even more stronger than the men who hurt them, how bad would their hits hurt. What will they have him do? How bad will the punishments be?

The lost tripletsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang