Chapter Thirty-Two- End Game

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(The Killer's POV)

It had been one of those days.

I had woken up way too early so that I could watch Josie run. She ran almost every morning and the last few, Hailey had joined her. It gave a small window of time that I thought maybe I could approach her. Watching the two of them had pissed me off royally. They were so god damned happy, it made me want to puke.

I was watching Josie as much as I could because I knew I needed to get her first. My plan was to get her and then while Lincoln was desperate to find her, manage to capture him too. I couldn't wait until they realized that it had been me all along.

It was my most daring plan yet but seemed fitting for a grand finale before I got the fuck out of dodge.

A murder-suicide seemed fitting for the estranged lovers. Based on the way that people talked about them, the general public would not be that shocked. The Lincoln and Josie talk was incredibly heavy right now. It was infuriating.

Leaving a sordid tale as the legacy of their love would be one more method of sweet, sweet torture.

However, I also knew that I needed to be cautious. I planned on leaving Fenelon free of cuffs and that meant I had to be smart. The whole town was on edge and I was after two cops. It was all going to make it that much harder for me to play out my end game here.

I needed a plan to relax Josie and the people that were surrounding her enough that I could strike out again. Someone had to capture the eyes of everyone. I had laid out the groundwork for years. I had constantly stirred up talk of Harold. He had always been my choice of patsy.

I felt like people were predisposed to label him as the killer because he was generally disliked. Especially by women.

Now seemed like the perfect time. What if someone caught the eye of the police? What if they made an arrest? The way people talk in this town, everyone would know right away, it would give me the perfect window of time.

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