Prologue- Out Of The Shadows

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From the edge of the cliff, I watched. The people below fluttered around like drunken flies. Directionless. Panicked. Scared. My heart had been racing non-stop since I had phoned in the tip.

This was happening. I was coming out of the shadows, and it would be glorious.

Maybe now the town of Fenelon would notice me. Lord knows I was tired of being invisible. A smile tugged on my lips, as a shout sounded from below, and I shivered with delight. They found one!

Immediately after calling the police switchboard, I holed up here with a six-pack of Canadian and all my favourite snacks hoping that someone would come tonight. I hadn't been disappointed when Fenelon's own Chief of Police, Lincoln Sawyer had driven up on an ATV, with his deputy Sam right beside.

The flavours of the popcorn and the beer mingled as I considered whether it was possible to get a closer look. The show was in full swing, and I was tempted to take center stage. Not worth it. Too risky. I didn't want to get caught, I just needed to up the thrill factor.

The last couple of girls hadn't scratched my itch the way they used to.

The increased sounds from below jolted me out of my thoughts and shot fire through my veins. It was a popular hiking trail, so the fact that I needed to lead them here was just one more example of their buffoonery. I'd left my last grave more raised than the others and then waited and waited. No more. Didn't I deserve some attention? 

It had been easier than expected. I had driven three towns over to buy, use and then dispose of a burner phone. Downloading a voice disguiser app had been simple and helped me to cover my tracks, in case they decided to play my tip back. 

"I was hiking down by the Victoria Rail Trail, and I found what looks like a fresh grave."

What I failed to mention was that they would find seven graves, only one of them fresh.

My smile lit up the night as I grabbed another handful of popcorn, whispering into the darkness, "Let the games begin, Lincoln."

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