Epilogue- Forever Love

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(4 Month's Later)

(Lincoln's POV)

I was aware that most grooms struggled to sleep the night before their wedding and could only assume that some of their insomnia was a healthy dose of nerves. I hadn't been able to sleep much tonight, but it had nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with excitement.

I rolled over, thinking back to the speech I had given at our rehearsal dinner tonight. "I've known that I wanted to marry Josie since I was a teenager. Every moment that we've spent a part has solidified that she is my one and only."

I had looked into the blue eyes of my beautiful bride-to-be and explained, "I got a glimpse of life without you. It's done nothing but cement the certainty that you are my everything. I promise to show you that every single day."

We had gone with a short engagement. For the both of us, once we had gotten together again, we hadn't wanted to waste any more time.

Josie and her whole team had taken their six-week holiday. Most of them had chosen to stay around Fenelon for a good chunk of their time. I had come to realize that this group wasn't just a team, they were a family.

Once everything with Candy had been settled, Josie and I had been inseparable.

Candy had never had the opportunity to get herself a Lawyer. She had died in a cell. Alone. The coroner had declared Candy's death a heart attack. Brought on by the stress of her imminent conviction.

Had her death been suspicious? Absolutely. But Josie and I had discussed the fact that Fenelon had been through enough. We figured that Gary was the expert. Who were we to argue? It helped that no one else had cared to question Gary's findings either.

I had reached out to her uncle. He had explained on behalf of her whole family. "We've decided that we want nothing to do with Candy's remains. We just want to put this whole thing to rest."

The relief from the damage and devastation she had left in her wake was immense. Even Stephie, once she had realized, was horrified by the friendship that she had held on to for all these years. Candy could cause no more harm and for that we were all thankful.

There were a lot of other things to be thankful for as well. Our Summer had been a whirlwind. Josie had gone back to debrief about Candy in late July. While back in Toronto, she had found out that the lead undercover instructor had been wanting to retire for a while, but they had been waiting for the right fit to take over.

She was offered a full-time teaching position and given the task to revamp the program. She was excited to find some off-site locations, closer to Fenelon and had been shopping around with Gabriel's help recently.

They had known that she couldn't do such a big job alone and so had offered her the chance to create a second position, allowing her to bring in someone of her choosing; she had immediately asked Lee to help her.

He wasn't quite ready to completely leave the task force so decided to split his work as equally as he could between Josie and Lucy. He would only head out with Lucy when there was no one else. This was ideal for him as well, because it kept him closer to his best friend, as well as his new boyfriend, Declan.

All things considered, things started falling into place as if they had always been meant to be. We were moving forward the way we should have all those years ago.

Putting the wedding together had been easy, we knew we wanted to get married by the water. Nothing too elaborate, just a celebration with everyone we loved most, honouring our love. It was either wait until next summer or put a wedding together for early fall.

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