15. Soulmates

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April 1986

As the week passed by, I started to accept my feelings for Eddie more. And I've come to the realization that I want to be with him; even if we might break up a month or two later, I want to be with him for now. 

I woke up this morning at 6:30, took a shower, then did my makeup and hair. I wear brown pants with my Hellfire t-shirt on top, and a cardigan to hide it from my parents. I go downstairs once I'm ready and help my mom with the table. 

My dad says, "Supposedly, tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day. Sunshine and a nice breeze too. Should we do something outside tomorrow?" My mom says, "Remember we have to go to your coworkers house tomorrow for dinner?" My dad says, "Oh right." 

"Do I have to come?" I asked. My mom shakes her head, "No, it's alright. If they had a child then maybe, but they have none so it'll just be me and your father." I say, "Ok. Maybe I'll do something tomorrow then." "Hanging out with Nancy and Robin?" my dad asks. 

I shrug, "Maybe, or I could go for a hike. The mountains, hills, or whatever is around here, I'm sure I'll find a trail somewhere." My mom says, "That'd be nice for you to get some fresh air." I nod, "Yeah." We sat at the table to eat all together. 

Once it's 7:30 Nancy gets here and I hop in her car. Nancy says, "Good morning." "Good morning," I replied. We start driving towards the school. I take off my cardigan since we're away from my house now. Robin looks at me and says, "Let me guess, you're going to Hellfire tonight?" I nod, "Yeah, why?" 

Robin turns to Nancy, "Guess no sleepover then." Nancy says, "You sure you're going to Hellfire?" I responded, "Yeah, I already told them I would, sorry. We could have a sleepover next week. We always have them." Robin says, "Yeah, that's fine." I say, "So Robin...is Steve ok?" She shrugs, "Yeah, don't worry about him. He'll be fine." 

After Steve confessed to me, the next day I told Nancy and Robin about it. And I told them the reason I said no to him, because I like Eddie. At work, Steve and I are seemingly fine. But sometimes I catch him looking really sad and I feel bad. So I just wanted to make sure he's feeling fine. If Robin says he's fine, then he probably is. 

We arrive at school and Nancy says, "Look, there he is." I look out the window, about three cars down, Eddie is sitting in his van's trunk. Robin says, "We'll see you in class." I say, "Bye, thanks for the ride as always Nance." She smiles, "No problem." I get out of the car and walk towards Eddie. 

When he sees me he begins to smile. I say, "Hey." "Hi princess. Nice shirt," he replied. I sat beside him, "Thanks." He holds out his hand, "Want some?" I look at the Nerds (candy) in his palm. I take some saying, "Thank you." He says, "Yup. So how about you sit beside me today at Hellfire?" 

I usually sit all the way on the other side of the table from him. I say, "Um, I can try. But I don't want to take anyone's seat." He says, "I'm sure they can all scoot over." I say, "We'll see." "I want you beside me though," he adds. I say, "We'll see! Now give me some more Nerds please." He pours some out of the box into my hand. He says, "Happy?" I nod, "Very." 

We sit eating Nerds and talking for a few more minutes, until the bells about to ring. We get up and he walks me to my class. I say, "See you in history." He says, "I'll be sitting in Agatha's chair, waiting for you to walk through the door." I say, "Ok, don't blame me if she beats you up though. Bye." 

I walk into my classroom and he waves through the door before going to his. After math class, I go to history. I walk through the door, and just as he said, he's in Agatha's seat. I sit in my own seat and he turns to me. "Hi princess," he grins. I responded, "Hi Eddie." 

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