7. Hellfire

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The week flies by as I've been a little more distant than I'd like to admit. I've been avoiding Billy in the mornings, going to school extra early to get inside. And after school I'd directly go to work, or go directly home. 

In class I'd just keep to myself, even when Eddie tries to pry me open by giving me a stupid little note. And during lunch, my friends could tell something was bothering me, but no one wanted to bother me because I'd shut it down quick. But enough is enough, Billy didn't even deserve that week of occupying my mind. 

I wake up and take a refreshing shower to jolt me awake. I do my natural makeup, but put a small glitter eyeshadow into my bag for school. I'll smear some on my lids in the restroom later. I straighten my hair and wear jeans with a blouse on top. I go downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. 

While we're eating, the phone begins to ring. I get out of my seat, "I'll get it." I go to the phone and pick up, "Hello?" "Ilayda?" Nancy asks. I say, "Hi Nancy, why'd you call so early?" She says, "I have a surprise! Tell me your address!" I say, "Ok? Do you have pencil and paper?" "Yes, go ahead," she replied. 

I give her my address and she says, "Don't leave for school, ok?" I say, "Nancy what do you mean don't leave for-" "Just don't leave, I'm going to come over, bye!" she hangs up. I put the phone back and I walked to the kitchen. My dad asks, "Who was it?" 

I responded, "My friend Nancy." "And what did she want?" my mom asks. I say, "She said she has a surprise so she's coming over right now." My mom looks at me, "She's coming here?" I nod, "That's what she said." 

My mom says, "That'll be nice, I'll meet your best friend Nancy." I say, "She's not my best friend, I have two: her and Robin." My dad says, "You should invite them over one day so we see what kind of friends you've made here." I say, "Sure, I'll see about it." 

It's 7:40 and I'm anxiously waiting for Nancy, because either she shows and we bolt to school, or I bolt right now. A minute later, a car pulls up in front of my address. I look out the window and see Nancy waving at me from the driver's seat. I say bye to my parents and walk outside. 

Robin is in the passenger seat waving to me too. I sat in the back seat saying, "Whose car is this?" Nancy shouts, "Mine!" All three of us cheer and I say, "Oh my gosh, you got a car." She nods, "I know right. I love it." Then there's a knock on the window and Nancy rolls it down. It's my mom and dad...how embarrassing. 

My mom says, "Hi girls." Nancy and Robin smile and wave, "Hi Mrs. Aydin. And Mr. Aydin. I'm Nancy, and this is Robin." My dad waves, "Drive safely, nice to meet you two." My mom says, "Be careful, have a good day at school." We all nod and say bye to them. 

We close the windows again while my parents go inside. Robin says, "Imagine all the places we can go without breaking a sweat." I say, "On the note of going to places, let's go to school before we're late." Nancy looks at the time, "Oh my, yes, let's go." She drives us to school and we make it to class, barely. Math is hard and boring per usual. 

Once it's over, I go to history. I walk in class, and surprisingly Eddie is here early. I sit in my seat and take out a small piece of paper. I was in my head too much last week to reply to any of Eddie's notes, so now I will. I write, "Morning :)" I fold it and get up to leave it on his desk. 

I go back to my seat and watch him open the note. He reads it and turns around smiling at me. He stands up and starts walking over to me but the bell rings. The teacher tells him to sit back down, he does so. 

After class is over, we walk together in the halls. He says, "Morning princess. You seem to be in a better mood." I shrug, "The weekend helped me unwind." He says, "Nice. So you're coming to Hellfire tonight right? You promised last week. But if you're too busy with Bil-" "Yes I'm coming," I replied. 

Soulmates | Stranger Things TrioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora