5. Championship

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The week flies by with a blink of the eye. I wake up this Friday morning, surprisingly chilly. I get ready for school, throwing on jeans, a sweater, and packing a jacket into my bag. I have work after school today, so I did my makeup and styled my hair too. I walk downstairs and sit at the table. While my parents and I are eating, I say, "So anne and baba...I got a job." 

My dad looks at me, "What?" "A job? Where and what for?" my mom asks. I say, "My friend Robin works at a video store, and I thought it'd be a good idea for me to work there and save some money for college. And I get a discount on the videos." My mom says, "You're working at a video store?" I nod, "My first shift is after school today. I'm really excited." She sighs, "If your dad allows you too, I'm fine with it." 

My dad says, "Only because some extra money would let you be comfortable during college. So it's ok with me, go to work today." I hug them before and say, "Thank you! I promise, I'm going to work really hard." I finish up eating, putting my dirty dishes into the sink, then walking to school. 

I see Billy's car parked in the same usual spot, so I start making my way over to him. But I'm interrupted when Eddie stands in front of me. He smiles, "Good morning princess." I responded, "Morning Eddie. Need something?" 

He says, "It came to my mind while getting ready today that I don't think I gave you my phone number. So here." He hands me a piece of paper with his number on it. He says, "Call me whenever you want." I take it and put it in my bag, "Ok, thanks." 

I watch as his eyes look me up and down, "Are you cold?" The wind was starting to blow now, sending a chill throughout my body. I shrug, "No." He sighs and takes off his denim vest. He puts it on me saying, "Here." I take it off me and hand it back to him. 

He doest take it and I say, "Eddie it's fine, I brought a jacket with me." I put his vest on his shoulder since he wouldn't take it from me. I grab my jacket out of my bag and put it on. He puts on his vest saying, "Ok, as long as you're warm I guess." 

I appreciate Eddie's concern and care, he's been a really good friend to me since I've moved. But sometimes he goes further than a normal friend. At times it makes me wonder whether he- "Ilayda! Are you ready for work today?" Robin hugs me from the side. 

I nod, "Yeah, I'm excited. I can't imagine the amount of movies I'm going to watch now." She looks at Eddie asking, "Who's this?" "My friend," I replied. Eddie adds, "I'm Eddie." Robin says, "What's with the shirt? Are you in that game club too?" Eddie scoffs, "Game club? It's much more than that. But yes, I'm in Hellfire." 

Robin laughs, "Ok Mr. Big shot. Ilayda, want to walk to class?" I look at Billy's parked spot, but the car is gone so he's already left. I nod, "Sure, let's go." Eddie says, "I'll see you later Ilayda." I nod, "Sure, bye." Eddie goes to his car where the other seniors are hanging out. 

I walk into the school with Robin. I say, "You're here early today." She says, "Yeah, I was meeting up with someone." "Who?" I asked. I could visibly see her gulp. She says, "Actually Ilayda, could we talk?" I nod, "Sure." 

We go to the nearest restroom and she checks the stalls to see if they're empty. I ask, "Robin what is it? You're getting me worried." She says, "Ok, I just hope you're still friends with me after this." I ask, "Are you a serial killer or something? Just tell me because you're making me really worried." 

Robin says, "I was going to tell you and Nancy during our sleepover, but I got nervous. I don't know if Nancy would be so supportive of me. So I'm going to tell you first." I say, "You can tell me anything, I'm listening." She says, "Y-yeah. Ok so, this morning, and most mornings, I was hanging out with my...girlfriend." 

I say, "Ok? And did something bad happen?" She stares at me, "Well no, but did you hear me?" I nod, "Yes." She says, "I said, my girlfriend." I say, "Ok?" She asks, "You're not going to ask me about that?" I say, "So you like girls? I don't want to ask you anything you might be uncomfortable with. But since you want me to, who is your girlfriend?" 

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