4. Pizza

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The weekend passed by with me doing nothing once again. But I have been trying to make the hickies on my neck go away. Billy really did a number on me though, because even with soothing ice on it these past two days. They are still fairly visible. I get ready in the morning, eat breakfast with my family, then go to school. 

As I step onto school grounds, I see Billy's car in the distance. Max is stepping out of it, and Billy has his arm rested on the window. I walk to his car and talk to him through the window. He says, "Ilayda?" I smile, "The one and only. Why are you still here? Waiting for me?" "Yes actually, sit," he nods. 

I go to the other side of the car and sit in the passenger seat. He rests his hand on my thigh saying, "I haven't been able to get you off my mind." I say, "Really?" He nods, "Yes." I say, "Honestly, neither have you." He smirks, "I like that." 

I say, "And, I wanted to know more about you. Friday we didn't have much time to...talk." He says, "Whatever you want to know." I say, "You've graduated, so what are you doing now? College?" He responded, "I'm a mechanic." "Oh, you're into cars?" I ask. He nods, "Yes." 

I ask, "Are you from Hawkins? Or did you and your parent move here to be with Max's? You don't have to answer my questions if you don't want to by the way." He says, "No it's fine. I moved her from California with my dad. And now Max's mom, Max, my dad, and I live together here." 

"Did you like the move?" I ask. He shrugs, "Eh, it's Hawkins. Not much. At first I hated it, but this past year I'm starting to like it." I nod, "Nice." "It's better with you here," he adds. I laugh and face away from him to hide my blush. He gently grabs my face and leans in to plant a soft kiss. 

He says, "It's almost time for class, I'll let you go now." I say, "We'll plan our next date soon, ok?" He nods, "Go ahead, don't be late." "Bye Billy," I step out of the car. "Bye beautiful," he replied. I close the door and go to math. 

I sit through this class till it's time for history. As I'm walking to class, someone pulls on my shoulder to stop me. I turn around, "What's your pr- Oh, it's you. Hi Eddie." He says, "Hi. I was thinking...what if we skip history?" I say, "Skip class?" He nods, "Yeah." 

I say, "I don't know Eddie, that's not really my thing." He says, "I'm sure one class is fine, right? We'll be back for the rest of the day." I say, "Hm..." "I'll buy you some Krispy Kreme doughnuts," he grins. "I'm in," I replied. He says, "Let's go then." 

We sneak past some hall monitor teachers and go to his van. We drive to a grocery store and as promised, Eddie bought me donuts and some other snacks.  We sit in his car and devour the sweet treats. He says, "Isn't this fun?" I shrug, "Eating is always fun I guess." 

He says, "More fun than class for sure." I say, "I guess. So what are we going to do for the rest of the time? We still have like thirty minutes till the next bell rings." He says, "Sit in my trunk and smoke?" I say, "I'll chew on these doughnuts some more, but you can knock yourself out." 

He gets out of his seat and goes to the trunk. I get out of the passenger seat and walk around the car to see him already smoking. I say, "That was fast." He says, "I don't like sitting through my boring and hard classes sober." I say, "As long as you don't fail this year, do what you want." He says, "I'm going to pass and then become the biggest musician Indiana has ever seen." 

I say, "Remember me when your famous please." "Of course, maybe you'll come along with me for a tour," he smiled. I say, "And why would I do that?" He says, "I can't go without seeing you for a few days." I playfully punch his shoulder, "Uh yeah sure." He says, "Seriously Ilayda, your really growing on me." I say, "You are too Munson." 

He says, "You need to think of a better nickname for me instead of my last name." "Yours is not that original either. It's just princess," I replied. He says, "But at least it's something else. Munson is literally just my last name." I say, "I like it, so I'm going to keep calling you Munson." 

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