Start from the beginning

"We're not gonna use magic?" asked Ron.

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way" Umbridge answered

"What use is that? If we're attacked it won't be risk-free" Harry interrupted.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class." The professor said sternly, her back facing them. She then turned with a huge smile and say "It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all, is what school is all about." she said looking at them as if she adores them all

"Then, what is the point of learning if you only do so for examinations and never actually practicr them?" asks Amy some of the students nod in agreement.

"You will when you grow older dear, but for now as I said theoretical knowledge is what you young children need for now." Umbridge responded.

Amy scoffs and she was about to talk when Harry spoke.

"And how does theory supposed to prepare us from what's out there?" he said.

"There's nothing out there, dear," said Umbridge although sounded cheery her face almost burst out in anger. "Who do you imagine attacking children like yourself?" the new professor asked

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort," said Harry sarcastically. The students murmured and soon became silent.

Dolores Umbridge looks at Harry trying to contain herself from yelling some curses at the boy who lived. "Now, let's make this quite plain..." Umbridge muttered taking steps towards the students "You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again... This is a lie"

"It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him!" Harry Potter spat.

"Detention, Mr Potter!" Umbridge yelled.

"So, Cedric Diggory dropped dead from his own accord?!" Harry fought once again.

"Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge replied.

"It was murder! Voldemort killed him!"

"ENOUGH! Enough." Umbridge shouted.

Amaryllis closed her eyes tightly trying to stop herself from interfering. She wanted to. She feels like she should. But by the looks of it, Umbridge is not someone who will easily put her guards down.

"See me later, Mr Potter, at my office," Umbridge said calmly before giggling.


The whole DADA lesson was awfully quiet as no one has dared to speak. While the other lessons were finished normally as it was supposed to since it was the first day they don't have to use magic yet, which is what Amaryllis is nervous about. She will try to train herself to conceal her Enchantress abilities so she wouldn't let it out unknowingly while using Digory's wand to do witchcraft.

After the last subject was done, It was time for Harry to go to Umbridge detention. Amaryllis, Hermione, and Ron insisted on waiting for him outside her office but harry refused, he said he will be fine and that what else could go wrong.

Hermione and Ron then decide to go to the library to finish some work while Amy decided to go for a walk outside the castle because she hadn't seen it yet in daylight. The sun is about to go down so it's perfect for the walk.

A couple of minutes later, Amy passed by Hagrid's hut. Hagrid did not continue to teach Care for Magical creatures and they wondered why. He seem to not home too.

Amy's eyes automatically drawn to the Forbidden Forest just a few meters away from Hagrid's hut as if something is calling her. She remembers having this feeling before...

The Witch (Narnia x Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now