The whisperer

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Wanting to engage with her more, Barley started onto a brand new conversation which he knew would get her hopes up again, even if for just a moment. "So tell me...what kinda critters do you wanna see anyway?" Barley asks.

"Oh pretty much everything!" Izzy says, her smile grew bigger and brighter once more. "I hope we can see some little babies there too!" She added, squealing a bit like some sort of fan girl.

Barley couldn't help but adore the way she got so excited over animals, it was an innocent trait he sees very very rarely in this modern day in age. They soon arrived, Barley parked as closely to the entrance as possible, the imp was practically bouncing in her seat. "I haven't seen anyone this excited to go to some zoo since Ian was just a kid." Barley says with a chuckle, it was a fond memory.

"I know it's not exactly grown up of me to be so excited for things like this but- but I can't help it...since the day I was born I always loved them." Izzy says, looking out the window all excited.

Barley went to her side and helped her out the van, smiling sweetly at her as he did. "My lady..." he says gracefully as he gently held her hand as she stepped out the vehicle.

The imp was quick to rush right to the entrance as soon as her feet hit the ground, shocking Barley as he was left behind. "Whoa! Wait up!" He cried out as he ran after her.

Once the two got in, Izzy rushed towards the first thing she saw, a large enclosure with plenty of beautiful trees and bushes for blazing bright Phoenixs to hide in. The smile on her face grew bigger and bigger. As Barley finally caught up with her he was able to notice what she was doing, she was talking to them. One flew down in front of her and stares at the imp curiously, Izzy happily greeting it as she then commented how beautiful their feathers looked. "I wonder when you will burst into flames and become a small little baby again. You look pretty young still so probably not for a while right? Hey it's not scary for you or anything is it? I mean I know fire never really phased you guys and you're pretty much fireproof as well but what is it like? To be old and then suddenly a small newborn again? Do you remember much or is it like a new life for you entirely?"

Barley watches and listens as the imp spoke to the magical bird of flames. It sat on a branch that was closest to Izzy, it was clear that it was listening to every word she had to say. "That Phoenix there seems to really like you!" Barley commented loudly as he took a step closer. The Phoenix screeched at him however and flew off, making the elf feel a bit bad for scaring off the imp's new friend. "Uhhh...guess I should've used my inside voice. Sorry about that."

However Izzy didn't seem to bat an eyelid, instead she reached her hand towards the large mesh around the enclosure. "No,'s ok." She says with a whisper, all in a gentle and kind voice Barley hasn't heard before. "He's nice, he won't hurt you I promise. I know he seems big and maybe a bit intimidating but he is the kindest guy I've ever seen or met in all my can trust him. Neither of us will hurt you." The Phoenix glanced back at Izzy and flew back down to her, it lightly pressed its head against the chain like mesh between them. Izzy reached in closer and closer, there was a small fence between them as well to make sure most visitors don't get too close. Izzy didn't care though, she knew for a fact it was safe, she knows when something is dangerous and when something is not. Carefully, she managed to poke her finger in between the wires, gently petting the Phoenix on the head.

Barley's jaw dropped upon watching. "Whoa...I can't believe it... you really are a whisperer!" Barley says with excitement, but Izzy shushed him.

"Careful, if you're too loud it may scare the Phoenix." She says, still just as gentle as before as she kept lightly petting it with the tip of her finger.

Barley was quick to quiet himself down. "Sorry, sorry." He whispered, smiling sheepishly as he did. "But you know...being able to bond with such creatures this quickly IS pretty much what being a whisperer is all about." Barley says, insisting his little hunch was correct. She may not have powers to shoot lighting out of a staff but her skilful way of taming beasts of all kinds was certainly impressive as well. He wouldn't have imagined to not only meet someone with such a powerful and deadly curse but someone with a special gift as well was something else entirely. For those two things to appear in one person was spectacular to him, to witness this in modern times was unthinkable! However he was still determined to lift the curse, even if he can't help but be partly curious by it in spite of how dangerous it is. He was taking plenty of mental notes, some actual notes as well whenever he had a chance to write it down in a small notebook he carried with him just for this occasion.

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