The whisperer

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WARNING! Bit of swearing is in this.

Izzy was practically exploding with excitement, a side Barley has never seen before. It was encouraging to see her spirits are lifting but that aside it was also rather endearing. To see how passionate she was when it came to animals. Barley simply had to comment on it. "Hey, you know back in the old days it was believed that if a young lady had a special love for animals that it meant she was a princess or perhaps a long time descendant of royalty."

Izzy glances over at him, she does recall that he did call her a princess earlier on. It made her wonder if that could've been the reason why he chose such a nickname for her. "Wait really?" She asks, clearly surprised.

"Yup! There was an era where a super famous royal family had a very special way with animals. There was a magical gift that passed down from generation to generation that allows them to connect with any great beast they may find far better than anyone! There has been so many historical princesses and queens especially who have been known in many tall tales back then which were often told to children. It is known as the blessing of "The Whisperer". You kinda remind me of them actually." Barley says with a grin, it was a general belief back then that love for animals represents royalty for many well known princesses have been known for their kindness.

Izzy's eyes sparkled a bit, that sounded like a gift she would love to have. Though she just may already have it without knowing so. "I-I do?" Izzy says. "I mean...but no- I am good with animals but most of my ancestors don't care much for animals at all started with my mother and father really."

Barley chuckles a bit, it was true these gifts tend to pass through generations but they can occur anew within a new bloodline. It may also be that this gift tends to attach itself to one's soul. "Little do you know that it is possible for the gift to take ahold of newer fresher blood as well! So who is to say you're not a whisperer. My brother is a wizard, can't say I won't be completely shocked if you don't have a special something yourself." Barley says confidently.

"Well...I have been told my brain functions differently to most...some say it's a gift or try to tell me that but most act like it's a curse." Izzy says to herself, there was an empty smile on her face as she recalled the ones who used to tell her that. "Do you think it would have anything to do with me being a whisperer?"

Barley cringed for a second the moment Izzy mentioned something of a curse. He didn't want her to catch on, not yet at least. "Uh- who says anything about a curse?! Pfft! Sounds to me like you're some sort of genius if anything! You know world famous inventors and especially most wizards had a very different way of thinking. You think they could've possibly done the stuff they did if they where stuck with a "normal" brain? Yeah... I think not!"

Izzy chuckles a bit but much like her smile there was no joy in it. "That was said to me before as well. But I am different in this case, I'll just let you down." Izzy says, she was a lot more cheerful since she will be seeing the only things she can possibly connect with but the topic was a bit hard for her. She believes that she couldn't possibly be good for anything. The only single thing she loves about herself would be her way with the animals but that aside, everything else about her was dreadful or so she believed.

"Again with being so harsh on yourself...if anything I think you're going to do something amazing. It might just take some baby steps, that's all. Happened with my little brother!" Barley stated, he wanted to try and help her. The curse was trying so desperately to invade her mind, to take a toll on her. It was trying to fight against the joy she was feeling.

Izzy smiles a bit though she was not so sure still. Ian was 16, soon to be 17. This imp was an adult, a legal adult who still cannot drive a car, who cannot get a job and who even struggles to do something as simple as grocery shopping. The people...the crowds. Everything seemed to overwhelm her constantly and she can't seem to control it. The older she got the stronger it gets and Barley was yet to learn that this was not just the curse, it was her. A mental disability, some sort of anxiety that is slowly destroying her life bit by bit in ways not a single soul is able to see or understand. They can't see it so they can't believe it. It may start off mentally but it takes a toll on her physically, draining her of all energy, causing horrible break outs of pimples from stress, losing hair,  nausea that prevents her from eating to the point she almost had to go to a hospital due to being dangerously underweight. Everyone mocks her for it, they can't see how damaged her brain is, how dysfunctional all her emotions are. They call her a liar, a whore for attention when she had her meltdowns. They can't see her wounds because they are all on the inside and they refuse to take the time to simply learn about it, to try and see what they clearly couldn't. To make an effort to understand her and to perhaps even help her. Oddly enough Izzy felt a little bit jealous of Ian after hearing this story. How he was able to get a grip at such a young age when during that time of her life it was a living hell. If only she was as mature as him she may have been able to avoid the cruel fate that she has gone through. If only she was more like the way they all wanted her to be. To be normal. "Y-yeah..." she says with an empty smile still.

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